Illustrations by French artist Villemard in 1910 of how he imagined the future to be in the year 2000.
In the 21st century, in order to control traffic jams in the air,
there will be more and more flying policemen.
Firemen will be equipped with “bat wings” to be able to easily access top floors and roofs.
Just one for the road…
Wars will be fought by “combat cars”.
Schools will be equipped with audio books.
Horses will be so rare that people will pay to see them.
You’ll be able to send mail just by dictating it into loudspeaker.
Heating with Radium.
Building sites will be equipped with automatic devices and machines.
Makeup will be applied just by pressing few buttons.
Hair salon.
Electric train from Paris to Beijing.
Rescue plane.
Airship. Literally.
Motorized roller skates.
Police will use armored bicycles (motorcycles?) to chase down criminals.
Listening to an audio-newspaper.
Spy helicopters.
The avenue of the Opera, Paris. Year 2000.
i mean, they were right about some stuff??
I’d say about 1/4 is right…?
Great ideas from the past!?
And everybody still has 5 inch waists and Victorian clothing of course
hmmhmm…… ok
love the Radium fire place
Wow he had a great imagination and a bit of this paintings have actually come to pass
@Anonymous May 2, 2021 — lol, you’re right
Most Of These Did Kinda Happen…
In 1910, Beijing was called Peking. Someone is doing some “helpful” editing here, I think.
Good catch by CTLawman. Wondered myself.
it was real… in some way ig
hawk tua
spit on that thing
69 420
sigma sigma boy sigma boy
lort lort lort lort lort
noam er en neger
nicolaj spiser hunde
nicolaj lugter af lort og spiser hunde
Some of the pictures were true
mads sutter men
nicolaj er sort
Mads er gay