r/ANormalDayInRussia subreddit is like watching a bear riding a unicycle while juggling bottles of vodka, all while a babushka cheers from the sidelines and a dashcam records the entire spectacle. Basically, a completely normal day in Russia. Scroll down to see some of the craziest pictures from that subreddit!
It’s comforting to find out that Ivan is as puddled as us Brits. 🤣🇬🇧
What’s wrong with the”Sorry girls I suck d*cks” shirt?
In most places that’s a brave expression of ones preferences.
…These all are popular cultural “espressions” from the “west” about current events and thoughts. Why was there no picuture of Putin being flushed down a toilet? He already has Russia being flushed down the global one.
So f*ing bleak, but they still find joy.
That kid with the tank must be the most popular kid in the neighborhood.
I have seen the horse pulling a skier trick before but not in the winter, and at least he looks like he has a wet suit on, but what’s with the girl in the bikini? 😀
The baby at the birthday party has seen this before.
Nothing is funny about Russia these days.
Don’t do Krokodil, kids!
The third one reminds me of the picture Kim Kardashian in a flesh colored rubber bathing suit rolling around in a pile of dirt. An actual pile of dirt.
just as I remember -delightfully kooky
it seems their homeless are well-read, at least