Eyebombing Community Puts Googly Eyes On Everything

What is one thing on this planet that can make anything better? According to members of r/Eyebombing subreddit, googly eyes is the correct answer. Eyebombing is a humorous trend of sticking googly eyes on random objects to essentially make them come to life. If you wish to get involved into this movement, you can get googly eyes cheaply on Amazon. Scroll down to see the funniest examples!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

Googly eyes make everything better!

10 thoughts on “Eyebombing Community Puts Googly Eyes On Everything”

  1. Well Tea,
    Since I have many sets of googly eyes and only one funeral, I find it a bit to long to wait for.
    And now that I think of it, how do you expect me to take the googly eyes out of my pocket, not to mention the dark casket.
    Anyways, I am glad I thought about these obstacles before hands.
    You should be more careful with your advises, Tea!

  2. @Tea
    I shall write into my will that I want an open casket funeral (complete with googly eyes) and Yakity Sax on loop.

  3. I should have said “your next funeral attendance”.
    The turkey and the red bell pepper never cease to amuse me.

  4. This is true art! Depending on size and placement of googly eyes, one can convey xss a wide range of emotions. Even better? Add eyebrows! Pro tip: as a fun prank for the whole family, sneak into the pantry late at night, wrap white paper around the cans loosely so it can easily be removed, then tape the overlapping paper with a bit of cellophane tape. Remove the paper, put googly eyes on and draw eyebrows and mouths. Put the paper back on and repeat for maximum enjoyment. Wait for the delight and amusement from the chef at seeing the emotions of their canned goods greeting them next time they get ready to prepare a tasty meal!

  5. Did you know that the Yakity Sax guy also plays the solo in “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” by Brenda Lee AND Roy Orbison’s “Oh, Pretty Woman”? Whether you did or not, now you know how I spent the last 5 minutes.

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