Would you wear these bizarre jewelry items made by Brooklyn artist Margaux Lange? They are made of chopped up pieces of Barbie dolls… which is just a bit creepy in a serial killer kind of way.
Would you wear these bizarre jewelry items made by Brooklyn artist Margaux Lange? They are made of chopped up pieces of Barbie dolls… which is just a bit creepy in a serial killer kind of way.
A lil’ creepy…
These are really cool!
I love how creative this person is! They did a great job putting it all together! I can see these really selling well.
Creative? Yes. Creepy as Fuc*? Also yes.
I love love them!!! So brilliant!! You go girl!! Rom my macabre mind to yours.!!!!
Stop talking and Take my money. Wearing a piece of a doll symbolizing the apogee of objectification of female body is a symbol of taking back control over female destinies. Irony wrapped in sarcasm enveloped in political statement. Plus they look strangely safisfyingly creepy.
Absolutely love !!!!!
Beautifully made!
My granddaughters brought grampa a bin of Barbies to blow up with fireworks at the cottage. It’s now an annual event. We have strange parts falling out of the trees for the rest of the summer so we collect them around the fire pit and then their legs melt into strange formations. Other parts get spray painted with glow in the dark paint for a zombie display. All good fun.
Well, Mimi, I wish I had thought of that when I was left with tubs of Barbies and all their accessories. That would’ve been joyful (how many shoes and pocketbooks have I stepped on in bare feet? not as bad as legos, but still…)
Love them!
Gorgeous and a great idea on multiple levels: jewelry; art; political statement; feminist reclaiming of objectification of female body parts… AND up-cycling!
Could it get any better???
What in the Cannibal Jewelry is this!???
I need these!
**I am inspired to find a barbie to make a cabochon face with seed beads. Any plastic can be re-used and up-cycled, NOT thrown away or in the Recycle can…only a small percent is ACTUALLY recycled. Styrofoam, hard plastics, can be shredded and made into insulation for coolers, coats and blankets for pets and homeless; take out containers can be used as pots for gardening, drawer organizers, gift boxes, food storage re-use; plastic bags can be made into artful rugs, weaved baskets, stuffing for dolls, re-used for packing instead of buying packing paper or tissue, Come on people! we have to make changes now and stop buying! Bring your own bags to shop, ladies bring and re-use shopping bags to go shopping for clothes, etc. The earth cannot take much more. stop collecting, hoarding and throwing out so much of your crap…pleeeeaaase!!!
Kind of weird to me.
i bet a murder made one
also this is the same person
oh come on hands and eyes
I think the necklace with the Ken lips and the Barbie lips ostensibly kissing, and the blue waves beneath is beautiful. I would wear that any day.
The eyes are beautiful! The hearts….creepy, but okay.
Kids should play with Barbie dolls instead of electronics frying their brain
What are the prices??? (especially for the “arm” one)
Oh my goodness!
Some of this are awesome. I’d totally wear a plug in my ear made of ears or a warrior style necklace with a ton of arms instead of my rivals teeth.
Only wish you had in stock the Bloody Coral Arm Necklace. Great Like!!!!!
These are FANTASTIC!!!

Its all just make believe and that’s the beauty of it
low iq ashkeNAZI JEWISH “ART”