Dinosaurs might not have ruled the Earth in the 20th century, but they were represented by dinosaur statues that are so bad, they’re hilarious. We’re not sure behind the reason of these fails – lack of artistic skill, or lack of knowledge of what dinosaurs actually looked like. Either way, it’s worth scrolling down and checking out them all.
One looked like a squirrel.
Those last two…
Some of them are really cool, they just don’t look anywhere like dinos.
The author misses the point. These dinosaurs are classic roadside attractions. Mom and pops using whatever means they can to develop a business.
I mean… who’s to say?
Hands up anyone who has actually seen a dinosaur in the flesh.
How can they terrify that poor little girl!?
If I was a kid I’d enjoy them, even if for laughs!
I wish my teeth where as pearly white as some of these Dino’s…
Why are the Crystal Palace Park dinos included here?!
several of these really aren’t too bad. several are.