The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Maddie Dai

Maddie Dai is a cartoonist, illustrator and screenwriter living in London, UK. According to her own words, “My hobbies include writing down ideas in my notes app at inopportune moments and getting rejected by The New Yorker.” We’re not sure why would The New Yorker rejects her, because her work is brilliant. She is currently freelance, and available for all sorts of opportunities. For illustration, cartooning and design commissions, get in touch using her site. Meanwhile scroll down to check out our favorite Maddie’s cartoons!

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

Funny cartoon by Maddie Dai.

If you enjoyed Maddie’s cartoons, check out other artists that also create brilliant single-panel comics that we have featured on this site.

26 thoughts on “The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Maddie Dai”

  1. Ch29 your the one who needs a real job the dudes just drawing and making jokes dont like it dont say shit im pretty sure this guy is a better artist then you and better comedian get off the internet if your talking about geting a real job how bout you go to work

  2. Anonymous. Please give us a mailing address so we can start a GoFundMe for you.
    Plan to send you a much needed sense of humor.

  3. Where do you get “leftist” out of this. Oh right, you can’t have any artists backing Trump. Only the insane are allowed to back either party 100%. Jaja

  4. This was just pandering trash, it wasn’t funny. The jokes were over explained. And I’ll put money that the “supporters” don’t actually find it funny but are enabling this person, which is ironically more cruel that me saying these weren’t funny.

  5. These are just jokes! They touch on some critical issues that neither party really gives a damn about. Don’t politicalize everything in life! We need to get out of our little boxes and love or at least tolerate each other. Isn’t that the American way?

  6. Some folks are so miserable that they cannot look past their disappointing lives to see any humor at all.

  7. I busted out laughing with the Christopher Columbus one and then the big foot assumption one, hilarious. Thank you. Needed the laugh helps with cancer.

  8. Badly drawn, not funny and why are cartoons, as we used to call them, now “Single Panel Comics”?

  9. To everyone who is calling these comics (that are meant to be lighthearted and humorous) “leftist” – This is a place where people are supposed to laugh and enjoy themselves, and somehow you’ve managed to ruin one of the most simple things someone could enjoy. Everyone who is going to be a bigot in the comments here, just know that you could actually affect real people with your opinions that you think are okay to have, and that you so desperately feel the need to push on other people. This might just be a humor website, but I’m sure the same people are writing things like this on Twitter, and in their bigoted Facebook groups, and saying things that could actually affect other people and provoke people to do messed up things.

  10. Clearly, it is the bigot cartoon that made all the trumper’s angry. Must have hit too close to their waist line.

  11. Clearly it was the Big Foot cartoon that made the all the trumper’s angry. Must have hit too close to their groin.

  12. Where is anything relating to Trump? I don’t see it. Maybe that’s good,means I’m not trapped on the hamster wheel.

  13. To all those morons who say these cartoons are “leftist”. Get some education! If I see cartoons expressing biting humor about economic inequality, class conflict,the parasitic fat-cats sucking the economic life out of the country, our bought-and-paid for political class and rampant militarism infecting the world today, then I would accept that they are “leftist”. I do not see much in the way of politics at all in these mildly amusing comics.

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