Growing something nutritious and delicious is very rewarding. Tomatoes, peppers, apples… Everything just tastes better than fruits and vegetables from the store. However, the reality of what you harvest does not always meet the expectations. When it happens, it might end up on r/MightyHarvest subreddit. Scroll down to see the funniest examples!
WAIT! What happened to all of the giant pumpkins? Did this year’s crop succumb to the deadly shrinking pumpkin fungus? WE MUST HAVE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE!!!
A testimony to agricultural failure at the local level. Meh!
This is why I don’t garden. I do it at the grocery store.
You can’t grow corn without growing a lot of corn. It is wind pollinated so you need corn pollen wafting all over the place. Each kernel has to be individually pollinated and is attached to one silk for that purpose.
I learned this when my corn came out like these, looking like a hockey player’s mouth.
I have no explanation for the rest, especially the tiny melons.