Cats from the Selkirk Rex breed are known to be friendly, playful and even cuddly, but you really couldn’t tell by looking at Pompous Albert. His constantly frowned face makes him look like the angriest, most unfriendly cat in the world, but it’s also the source of his online fame.
This is not a cat.
This is Volguus Zildrohar, the Destructor.
Someone needs to put Clockwork Orange stuff on this cat. The eye, the hat, the boots. That stare is perfect. So Kubrickian.
Definite clockwork orange cat.Good call!
If Edvard Munch’s ‘ The Scream ‘ were a cat …………
or :
Royal Albert scowl
That cat: exists
Grumpy Cat: Touche
Imma have nightmares from now on… *dies inside*
tardar sauce’s legacy has been carried on.
Where are his whiskers?!