The Onion is a satirical website that reports non-existent events and fictional news. Most people know that they shouldn’t take it seriously, however there are always few that are not so bright…
The Onion is a satirical website that reports non-existent events and fictional news. Most people know that they shouldn’t take it seriously, however there are always few that are not so bright…
I am deeply offended by this FAKE NEWS article. Not one of these items contains anything accurate or factual.
These are all real articles, Sand & Useless is propagating fake news by pretending that the articles are fake!
Cry onion cry…
Mic drop
shakes head
walks off into sunset
It is ok to be stupid but to shout it from the roof tops Is arrogance beyond stupid. How do we stop these people from reproducing.
That Grammar Police guy is a professional troll and only commented to get hits. He knows the Onion is a parody paper.
Shouldn’t someone calling himself “Grammer Police” have enough grasp of English to know that it’s spelt “grammar”?
He police da grammer. Speling police do teh ortogrefy.
Long live the Onion! Maybe I should just switch which news I read. At least you can laugh at the Onion.
I’m jelious. Also holey, but that’s none of your business.
The reply to the sandwich story was satirical. Congratulations on being out-satired by @medianewsfake.
What’s worse is reading a crazy newsstory, then looking to see if it’s from the Onion, and finding out it’s from a “reliable” news source!!
The onion gets another layer.
so i told my kid that fetterman made oz repeat his telephone concession 5 times, figuring yeah, that sounds about right. my kid pointed out that it was actually an onion article. oops