Turns out that not just cats look awkward while standing up. Gazelles also look like a completely different creature while reaching for delicious branches. Some of them even remind a praying mantis. Scroll down to see for yourself!
Turns out that not just cats look awkward while standing up. Gazelles also look like a completely different creature while reaching for delicious branches. Some of them even remind a praying mantis. Scroll down to see for yourself!
What is wrong with your website?
Anonymous- With regards to….??
These aren’t Gazelles…
These animals are Gerenuks.
Gerenuks are giraffe gazelles……
either way it’s FUNNY!!! Relax.
I appreciated knowing what they actually are and laughed at the hilarity of those arms! 😂
Might at last have found something that would scare Rosie – shame she’s unlikely to confront one ever !
Very odd… I don’t know whether I should be laughing or scared.
Having arms with no hands or fingers has to suck!
All I could think about, when I paused to view each photo, was “wow. Look at all that meat!!” Does that make me a bad person…?
kebab pls