Bogeyman Egg Separator: Disgusting Kitchen Item

If you are looking for the most disgusting way to separate your egg yolks from your egg whites, look no further. Bogeyman (as so he’s called) is a ceramic coffee mug-looking device that allows you to easily separate your egg whites from the yolks by straining it through his nostrils.

Real Life Easter Eggs: Hidden Packaging Messages

The business of producing goods is a serious pursuit, with things like cash flow, capital, assets, accounting… It’s extremely important yet also quite boring. So when a company takes the time to have a little fun and spread joy to their customers, they should be appreciated. Scroll down to see some of the funniest real … Read more

Chicken Lamp With a Shining Egg In Its Butt

Is this art? Is this actually useful? Is this something that belongs in a dumpster? That’s for you to decide. Introducing the Chicken Lamp, the egg-citing new addition to your poultry-themed decor! This lamp looks like a chicken, complete with feathery details and a shiny, egg-shaped bulb in its butt. This has to be the … Read more

Creepy Easter Bunnies That Will Give You Nightmares

Vintage Easter bunnies take creepiness to a whole new level. First off, let’s talk about their faces. Those beady, soulless eyes stare into the depths of your very being, as if they know all your secrets and are silently judging you for every chocolate egg you’ve ever devoured. Then there’s the matter of their attire … Read more

Paperback Paradise: Sinister Parodies of Young Adult Books

While growing up you almost certainly encountered young adult books, so you are probably familiar with YA novel cover art. These books featured awkwardly staged scenes that were practically begging to be parodied, and the folks at Paperback Paradise did just that. Unfortunately, these books are not for sale, they’re just photoshopped parodies. Here we have … Read more

2024 Chicken Daddies Calendar Is Finally Here!

Are you looking for the perfect calendar? You have come to the right place! Introducing Chicken Daddies – the best calendar you could possibly get for 2024. Seriously. You can get the the Swimsuit Edition where the chicken daddies dress in colorful swimsuits and pose as beautifully as possible with their belowed chickens or you … Read more

Obscurest Vinyl: Sinister Parodies of Vintage Album Covers

While growing up you almost certainly encountered vintage album covers, so you are probably familiar with their cover art styles. These albums featured awkwardly staged scenes that were practically begging to be parodied, and the folks at @obscurestvinyl did just that. Don’t scroll down if you are easily offended!

Funny Reviews of Food Enjoyed While Taking a Shower

There are two amazing things in this life: eating and taking hot showers. Why not do both at the same time? That was probably the idea behind @GazpachoMachine Twitter account. He does brilliant reviews of the simplest and most ordinary food, and then posts a photo and a little accompanying text. From pizza to watermelon … Read more