Abandoned Cat Finds a New Home, Becomes an Instagram Sensation With Its Cute Outfits

Meet Benson. Benson is a cat that was rescued and adopted directly from the streets and his quirky personality and cute outfits have made him a true internet celebrity (is cat influencer even a term)? Since arriving at his new home, Benson has been taking over Instagram. The fluffy cat has an entire wardrobe filled with exclusive pieces of clothing and accessories!

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

Awesome outfit.

9 thoughts on “Abandoned Cat Finds a New Home, Becomes an Instagram Sensation With Its Cute Outfits”

  1. Adopted from the streets. Yeah, and every time he’s dressed up he dies inside a little more and begs to go back to the streets.

  2. ok to the anonymous closest to this comment…. thats kinda rude can you not just enjoy the pictures? also the cat is in a different pose each time sooo like…
    yah anyway great pictures i love emmm <3

  3. ok to the anonymous closest to this comment…. thats kinda rude can you not just enjoy the pictures? also the cat is in a different pose each time sooo like…

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