Top 25 Popular American Breakfast Recipes

Whether you prefer sweet or savory, we have all the best classic American breakfast recipes listed here – from fluffy pancakes to scrambled eggs, from AR-15 to Glock 43. Scroll down and enjoy these photos of patriotic beautiful dishes and use them as an inspiration!

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Why do Americans love guns so much anyways? Why do women love shoes? Why do babies love puppies? Why do politicians love corruption? They do because they do, and that’s all you need to know. What are you, some kind of a commie? What kind of question is that? Get it together, goddammit!

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

Typical American breakfast.

If you enjoyed this mouth-watering gallery, you will also love the gallery of Polish people who cosplay as Americans. They really nailed it.

29 thoughts on “Top 25 Popular American Breakfast Recipes”

  1. This is not tone deaf, this is perfect timing to shine the light on America’s crazy gun laws.

  2. The people who think this is tone deaf are in denial.
    Its absurd, but also depicts the reality in a way.

  3. I am ashamed to say that I know people like this. They are not right in the head, and I say this as a gun owner. (I have two guns, a Mosin-Nagant and a Makarov, both vintage weapons)

  4. It seems American’s love their guns more than their children
    There past time is shooting kids in school 🏫
    Now that is Sad

  5. Great to see all the triggered cowards here! Keep exercising the Freedom we gave you, no thanks necessary.

  6. “hey we need the guns to combat all them feral pigs tearing up the countryside!” how ironic is that

  7. Sehr gut!!!
    So haben wir unsere Amis lieb.
    Erst schießen dann nicht denken.
    Make America Kill Again

  8. loved this. to those who are crying, cry harder. Your blue cities will soon burn and you’ll wish you had learned how to operate a firearm. But it will be too late. Enjoy your liberalism, coming to a town near you.

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