How to Get Revenge Against Thieves
Thinking of ways to avoid theft, Jeff Wysaski devised a way to exact sweet revenge on anyone audacious enough to try and steal his hard-earned money…
Famous Cat Honored With Its Own Statue at Its Favorite Spot
All cats are remembered by their owners but Tombili will be remembered by the whole world because the famously laid-back feline just got immortalized with its very own statue. Tombili rose to fame when somebody snapped and shared a photograph of it chilling in a ridiculously relaxed pose on the streets of Istanbul:
The cat became an internet legend, and was also featured on our site in Awkwardly Sitting Cats gallery. So, when Tombili passed away in August, it seemed only right that it was honored in the real world as well. Now the feline’s carelessly lazy pose has been eternalized in the form of a bronze statue that’s just been unveiled in the very spot where Tombili was originally photographed showing the world how to chill in style.
Photographer Captures the Cutest / Funniest Squirrel Photo Session
Russian nature photographer Vadim Trunov has had close encounters with squirrels before, but this is the first time we’ve seen his photos of squirrels playing or shooting photos of each other, squirrels that seem to be building snowmen or playing volleyball with nuts.
Funny Illustrations That All Cat Owners Will Understand
Artist and book author Rupert Fawcett has created a funny and very true series of illustrations for all cat lovers to enjoy.