French Artist Paints Over Ugly Graffiti To Make It Legible
Graffiti can be beautiful or ugly, but when it comes to tagging – everyone would agree that it’s the most hideous type of street art. And what’s even more annoying – it’s almost always illegible. Mathieu Tremblin is a French artist who decided to fix this. He paints over the ugly graffiti and makes them legible.
Construction Worker Hides Waldo On Site Everyday For Kids In Hospital Next Door To Find
Construction worker Jason Haney thought it would be nice to do something to cheer up the children in the hospital next door. His idea was funny and absolutely brilliant. Jason created an 8-foot-tall cut out of Where’s Waldo and hides it on the site every day for the kids in the Memorial Children’s Hospital in South Bend, Indiana to spot.
50 Genius Things To Read When You’re Bored
1. Being able to tolerate the sound of your own voice in a video is probably the highest form of self acceptance.
2. Your dog doesn’t know you can make mistakes. When you trip over him in the dark, he thinks you got up just to kick him in the head.
3. Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds super rad if you don’t know what either of those things are.
4. April Fool’s Day is the one day of the year when people critically evaluate news articles before accepting them as true.
5. Brushing our teeth is the closest we ever come to cleaning our skeleton.
Printers Were Sent From Hell To Make Us Miserable
Illustrator Matthew Inman has come up with a brilliant comic that perfectly shows the evilness of printers.
Cat vs. Internet
Illustrator and book author Matthew Inman has created a funny and very true comic that all cat owners can relate to.
Photographer Captures The Fun Side of Ground Squirrels
German nature photographer Henrik Spranz takes colourful images of small rodents (like European ground squirrels) in their natural habitat and captures the innocent and sometimes funny life of the little creatures.