The Secret Daily Lives of Pop Culture Icons
Photographer Daniel Picar has created a photo series exploring what superheroes, villains and pop-culture icons might look like if they lived everyday lives just like ours.
Charts: What’s Cool and What’s Not
Some things are cool, some things aren’t. RC Jones in his book “Coolness Graphed” shows the difference. Featured below are few of my favorites.
Adidas House in Lithuania
Small Lithuanian town Sujainiai currently has one of the most famous houses in whole Lithuania. Owner explained that he was renovating the building and decided to paint it like this, because he grew up wearing Adidas tracksuits and wanted to show his lifelong appreciation for this brand and give something back.
Merit Badges For Millennial Life Achievements
Ah, millennials, those special, sensitive young adults held down by soul-crushing student loan debt, wages that cannot keep up with inflation, and discriminated against by swipe caps on Tinder likes. Luckily, there’s a way to build back up their selfie esteem: merit badges. Yes, just like those you earned back in your boy or girl scout days. It’s good to have goals. And these little rewards are what the millennials need topic start success in their half-hearted future.
Halloween Pinterest Fails
Step 1: Find cool Halloween stuff on Pinterest.
Step 2: Try to make it at home.
Step 3: Fail miserably.
Cats Shaking Off Water
Animal photographer Carli Davidson used her high speed camera to capture each cat mid-shake in an explosion of fur, skin, and spit. The outcame is featured below.