New Trend on Instagram: Women With Hairy Armpits
Believe it or not, but armpit hair is the latest trend among women on Instagram. What a glorious time we live in….
Breakfast Mugshots
Lance Curran collects pop culture-themed mugs. Lately he’s been having fun turning his family members into superheroes and other pop-culture icons by starting a #breakfastmugshot trend on Instagram.
Guy Documents His Life as The Third Wheel for 3 Years
This poor soul so frequently found himself third wheelin’, that he decided to document it with this series of selfies…
Man Takes Engagement Photos With a Burrito
After seeing several of his friends posting engagement photos on Facebook in recent weeks, San Francisco-based writer David Sikorski decided to pop the question to his favorite burrito…
Awkward First Date Gets Live Tweeted
Canadian blogger Anne Thériault was minding her own business in a Toronto coffee shop when she overheard a date dipped in so much douchebaggery, she actually live-tweeted the spectacle.
Graffiti Artist vs. Local Authorities
Featured below is a British graffiti artist’s year-long battle with local authorities that transformed an otherwise unremarkable brick building.