NYC Subway Banned Dogs Unless They Fit In a Bag, So Owners Got Creative

The rules are clear when it comes to carrying animals on the New York City subway: “No person may bring any animal on or into any conveyance or facility unless enclosed in a container.” But the rules say nothing about the size of the animal, and as you can see from this picture, some people got really creative in order to avoid a fine.

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

As you can see from these pictures, IKEA bags are especially useful to fight against this NYC subway regulation. We don’t blame them. Quite the contrary – we admire their ingenuity. While small dog owners have no problems purchasing dog bags or just carrying pups in their backpack, big dog owners must get creative.

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Pups in bags.

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

Dogs in bags.

Dog riding NYC subway in a bag (to avoid a fine).

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73 thoughts on “NYC Subway Banned Dogs Unless They Fit In a Bag, So Owners Got Creative”

  1. @ Anon: sheesh!

    Sheesh definition is – —used to express disappointment, annoyance, or surprise. (Merriam-Webster)

  2. If I understood it right, the main idea of this stupid law is that the dog might annoy other passengers. How about rats on the platform in NYC subway? Are they not annoy the passengers ??? I feel like dog owners are being discriminated. It is so weird because America always care about all categories and groups of people (LGBT, different rases, disabled people, veterans). But not the dog owners. I can not even move around the city and enter anywhere because I am with a dog.

  3. Omg New York. Really. This is a ridiculous law. With all the rats and all homeless that eat abs sleep there should have laws to them too.

  4. I love the creativity. Though not a dog owner I have been in the past and appreciate man’s best friends to the nth degree. I’m not afraid of any dog at any time and a dog on a leash in a subway should be no problem at all.

  5. Well at least the law isn’t stopping the beloved animals from going where they are going👍🏻👍🏻🥰

  6. Having been harassed by other’s dogs I agree with the ruling. But I appreciate the ingenuity of these dog owners. Some of the above pictures are so cute, others are hilarious.

  7. Probably a dog-free underground would appeal to me. However I’m thousands of kilometres away so it’ll make little difference.

  8. I love it 🥰 I wish I could take my dog places, but she’s nuts… she would definitely not stop barking and she would be out of the bag and off of the leash before the doors closed…& it’s not like I didn’t train her, she went to puppy school and I’ve continued her training after that at home, but she is just a spirited Jack Russell and I love her to pieces 😍🐶

  9. If you know your dog won’t behave leave them at home. Most dogs travel very nice with out any issues. Let’s give the good pups a pass.

  10. If NY is gonna be such a pia about so much; containment, etc..why live pup means more to me

  11. I’m a dog owner I’m originally from New York City and I have respected admiration for people that have service dogs what about them with this law they have to put them in bags and carry them when they can barely handle themselves and the dog is to help them the MTA think about that when they made this ridiculous law I understand the need protect riders and maybe offended my dogs or paranoid some dog owners don’t train their dogs right in the dogs act insane the service dogs are properly trained by professionals the only way they are certified so to any servicemen that are veterans with PTSD anyone that’s handicap that needs one of these dogs needs to bring up issue and have it addressed #justsaying

  12. This might very well be brought before a court. It discriminates against blind people who use a dog as a guide. A dog that acts as a guide for a blind person cannot be carried in a bag.

  13. Just for fyi because someone mentioned service dogs. Service dogs are exempt so blind people will not have to carry their dog in a carrier, nor will anyone else who has a legitimate service dog. I don’t disagree entirely with the ruling as unfortunately even though people with dogs they cannot control should leave them at home, they don’t. And an uncontrolled dog can be a huge annoyance to other people.

  14. What happened if someone has a service dog and they use the NYC Subway? It’s not like that they are able to leave their service dogs at home, it’s their life line and medical saver. These service dogs all know when one is having a medical emergency, even PTSD. This is against ADA guidelines.

  15. At first it seemed like Brazilian laws. In the end it felt like the beginning.

    no começo parecia leis de brasileiros. No final, parecia o começo.

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