Australians Who Leave House Only To Take Out Trash Have Started Dressing In Costumes To Do it

If you are following the rules of the COVID-19 quarantine responsibly, you probably only leave your house when you really have to. Quickly, people began to realize that the only time they can enjoy a little bit of fresh air guilt-free is when they are taking out the trash. To honor this precious moment, a handful of Australians decided to properly dress up when they are handling their bins and crated a Facebook group Bin Isolation Outing. Featured below are the funniest examples.

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

93 thoughts on “Australians Who Leave House Only To Take Out Trash Have Started Dressing In Costumes To Do it”

  1. In AUSTRALIA we call this RUBBISH (not Trash) Trash is an American word. PLEASE ADJUST CORRECTLY

  2. Well Jen….excuse us for using the incorrect word for trash, rubbish……it’s all garbage ! Please just get a sense of humor. Oh…..and that’s how we spell humor ! Please chill !

  3. They just obey rules. In our country you cannot leave your house without a mask…. sorry it should be a face mask :D

  4. I LOVE it. Perhaps my mussy hair and ratty bathrobe will be thought of as a costume. Except I’ve been doing that for years.

  5. How wonderful to see all that creativity and humor. “All the world’s a stage” and what fun to get to choose one’s costume.

  6. Throughly, throughly, thank you Australia! A sense of humour is good medicine in this difficult time.

  7. Why not enjoy the moment.Taking out the trash is beneath me…but not for the ones “down under”.ha!!

  8. Jen…did you notice how many of those photos are nods to American culture? What an asinine comment you made, instead of just enjoying the moment. Bonehead.

  9. Wonderful way to break up the monotony of what’s going on in the world! Cudos to all of you wonderful people keeping your sense of humor after the horrific fires and now this…. Love to you all!

  10. This is all so creative ,congratulations…Amazing how creativity can be borne in the midst of seclusion.The whole world is innovating in many different ways.

  11. Lovely gams on all! I myself have matching ensemble dress and mask all i need is a purse. I love you guys.

  12. Fabulous!!! We all need to lighten up during these secluded times. Laughter is good for your heart and mind. Try to bring laughter to those you love. creativity will keep you young.

  13. What a beautiful, entertaining, fun, …. way to treat your rubbish, In American if we wanted to celebrate ours not time left for anything else! You guys amazing!

  14. I just go in my Pj’s & slippers that’s scary as shame I don’t have any one yo take a photo. We have to make some fun out of this thanks y’all.

  15. Just one of the many reasons I have always loved the Aussies!!! Hang in there, mates!j
    Cheers from Oregon USA

  16. We are stuck in Australia, and now you see why we think we’ve landed pretty well. Great people, better weather, nice views. Alas, our rental apartment picks up our trash, rubbish, garbage, recycling, from our unit in South Brisbane so we cannot participate or even peek at others. SLM

  17. Was wondering if the boobs are real if so I’ll start eating fish again nice pictures lmao

  18. Love that it’s okay to laugh and smile firing these crazy times. Thank you for making us smile! 😁

  19. Love the creative images. Nice going Australia! Enjoyed the comments as well. What is not to like about ordinary people making an ordinary task look special during a not so ordinary time.

  20. Rob you need to chill. She made a comment about how they call their garbage, stop bashing!

  21. Lovely page except they don’t have the skills to address bullying and harassment. Started for the right reasons but without the skill to deal with issues.

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