Australians Who Leave House Only To Take Out Trash Have Started Dressing In Costumes To Do it

If you are following the rules of the COVID-19 quarantine responsibly, you probably only leave your house when you really have to. Quickly, people began to realize that the only time they can enjoy a little bit of fresh air guilt-free is when they are taking out the trash. To honor this precious moment, a handful of Australians decided to properly dress up when they are handling their bins and crated a Facebook group Bin Isolation Outing. Featured below are the funniest examples.

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

Why not take out the trash in a costume?

93 thoughts on “Australians Who Leave House Only To Take Out Trash Have Started Dressing In Costumes To Do it”

  1. Making art helps one develop a more nuanced appreciation of that art form.

  2. Thank you all for making my day!!!! I love you all for your keen sense of humor! We do need each other in these times of crisis in the world. You are blessed! Got to give it to you, greatest posts in a long time!

  3. So unexpected and creative, these Australians made me LOL over and over again, and made me have second thoughts about living out the pandemic in my bathrobe, thanks! 💃

  4. In times of hardship that we are all facing from this man made virus it great to see some good old fashion Aussie humour and Larrkins

  5. Wow!! Some amazing outfits!!! The costumes some of you seem to have “just laying around”! I don’t even have anything formal! Thanks for cheering us up👍

  6. You Aussies most certainly DO rock a disaster with humour. Y’all are ridiculously silly and I love you :-D

  7. Everyone, but everyone must love this! These are people who know how to have a good time.

  8. OMG this is so funny! I loved it, I wish I could do the same but I live on s city full of buildings.

  9. Hey Guys and Gals! You nailed it!!! I’ll round up an outfit for next week!

  10. its kind of racist, we are not allowed to be part of it.
    I dont like this kind of behavior

  11. Denise, we bin waiting for you to click “Join Group” I am wheelie excited that another member will be potentially joining what has become a global family of trash can, wheelie bin enthusiast. In kindness, gratitude, love, light and keep laughing

  12. Aussies are some of my favorite humorists! Thanks for brightening the day here on the topside of the Equator!

  13. Much needed Aussie humor now! Hilarious, hope we start doing the same in the U.S.

  14. but how/where do they get the costumes? Did they all have them at home already? Fascinating! and Fun – thanks for brightening the evening here in US Covid-19 Epicenter – NYC. Blessing to all – wear your masks! #FlattenTheCurveGlobally

  15. Wonderful, creative senses of humor. Certainly breaks up the day. What to do next? Good to see some people having a bit of fun during all the sheltering in place. After all you are the Land of Oz!

  16. These pics ROCK!!! I now feel totally justified as an Aussie living in Houston with a wacky sense of humor. Thanks for the validation LOL!

  17. NOT sad and useless….plucky and endorphins generating!! Thx sooo much, you “Wild and Crazy“ Downunderans! Cheers!! 🍻🍻🍻
    Lovin’ you from Northcackalacky, ‘Murcia ✌🏼❤️🤣

  18. But we don’t call it trash Down Under 🇦🇺. It’s rubbish or garbage 🇦🇺
    And those bins are called wheelie bins down here🇦🇺
    Love all the photos

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