Meet Real-Life Orc: Man Has Giant Tusks Implanted to Resemble Fictional Creature

A 41-year-old tattoo artist and body modification enthusiast had two giant fake tusks fitted onto his bottom row of teeth, in an attempt to make himself look like a real-life orc. He actually calls himself Orc and refuses to go by his original name.

When body modification goes too far...

Orc, who hails from the Brazilian town of Iguatemi, in Mato Grosso do Sul, got his first tattoo at the age of 15, and has since developed a passion for tattoos and body modifications, undergoing several procedures that have left him looking rather unique. He also has both eyes tattooed black, about 80% of his body covered in ink, a split tongue, several subdermal implants and sliced ears, but it’s his mouth that draws most people’s attention. Orc spent over $500 having a pair of large tusks fitted over his bottom teeth to make himself look like the fictional creature depicted in popular films and video games like Warcraft.

When body modification goes too far...

When body modification goes too far...

The Brazilian body modification enthusiast declared himself pleased with his unique appearance, but he admitted that his friends and family don’t really approve of it. His mother can’t stand it, his father tolerates it, and most of his friends think it’s strange, but it’s his passion and he isn’t giving it up for anybody.

When body modification goes too far...

When body modification goes too far...

The real-life orc’s wife, Krishna, also shares his passion for tattoos and body modifications, and has had considerable work done herself. As you can see in these photos, the two really go well together.

When body modification goes too far...

When body modification goes too far...

When body modification goes too far...

When body modification goes too far...

When body modification goes too far...

What’s your take on this? Do you think he looks great or maybe you disapprove, or maybe you even think he’s suffering from mental illness? Let us know in the comments.

38 thoughts on “Meet Real-Life Orc: Man Has Giant Tusks Implanted to Resemble Fictional Creature”

  1. He’s got issues. But, as you see, there is someone for everyone in this world. Glad he works in the tattoo and body modification field, because he would never get a job doing anything else.

  2. Self-loathing? You’re a Bold one Anonymous. Imagine the Bravery it would take to do something so different. to be your own person.

  3. He clearly doesn’t realise nor care that he has issues which makes him a happy camper – and thats probably a good thing in his case. Also what I just described is a loose definition of insanity.

  4. “Self-loathing? You’re a Bold one Anonymous. Imagine the Bravery it would take to do something so different. to be your own person.”

    Bravery LOL

    You’re an Idiot

  5. He looks awesome, actually. I am not even a fan of these things but this is pretty good work. He, his wife and his kid (who looks perfectly normal and OK) seem happy, so I’m happy for them as well.

  6. Did he have to have his cheeks modified to allow his lower jaw to go so far forward? Is that why he has Glasgow Smile scars? Or, did he go for a Heath Ledger’s Joker-type look before? I have so many more questions than answers….

  7. “Imagine the Bravery it would take to do something so different”. You can call me whatever names make you feel better. Heck I’ll join ya. You’re a moron to cite self mutilation as “bravery”. It’s a mental disorder. Perhaps you’ve never heard of DSM-V/NSSI-D.

  8. List of things I’ve seen people modified to look like.
    – Tiger
    -Red Skull

    Now I can add orc. I wonder what will be next.

  9. Slarp. Eat a drangus if you conjure an Oswald call bagger with that triggered reaction! Smite preferably south of the ringold delicatessen, Ramujish decided to offset the intentional phrasing sequence of our very spatial atoning spirit. You do the math…. ok465109

  10. he looks really cool just beacause he looks diffrent shouldn’t mean you should treat him diffrent don’t judge someone for looking how they want no one goes around and calls you a “normie” or a loser for not looking how you are and dont be sorry for his hid she looks happy and both parents are in her life and has a job and can support her so it shouldn’t matter.

  11. Ight people, i don’t care who you are never just say someone has mental illness like that. That’s not something that should be used as an insult nor just something just to be mean. I know your probably just loving the attention but seriously. Shut. Up.


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