45 thoughts on “Funniest Tweets About Trump’s Visit To The UK”

  1. I’m English and these ARE funny.
    Also why could they not take a photo of Trump and Her Majesty where she looks as happy as she does with Obama?

  2. I’m so English that there’s a red cross on a white background running all the way through me. And these are really funny :D

  3. I’m American and laughed very hard! We have to laugh at this idiot or we’d cry everyday. Thank God for Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert!

  4. I’m American and laughed so hard that I scared my dogs…. And as a former flight attendant, I had to share the Kidnapped Stewardess with every former crew member I ever had, as our uniform was almost exactly what she does have on, hahahahha

  5. Lots of respect for Her Majesty’s acting talent – how she manages to remain looking ‘neutral’ next to this buffoon is beyond me!

  6. He’s an idiot with no grace or decorum! It’s going to take ages to get the shitstain out of Britain 🇬🇧 The tweets were really funny 😂

  7. You know your IQ test came back negative if you find any of this crap even remotely funny or amusing. If this is humorous to you then you are sad and useless. There’s much better comedy regarding Trump to be found.

  8. The photo with the comment of Trump leaving Stansted Airport isn’t true. The road markings don’t match UK roads – We drive on the Left, not the Right as depicted. To paraphrase Trump “fake photo!”
    The theme of the pic is valid however!

  9. The very thought of his visit seems to have aged the Queen considerably (first pic)

  10. The queen offered him the pop-up version in which Churchill is replaced by Captain America.

  11. I’ll bet David, the English guy who doesn’t find this funny, is really fun at parties.

  12. I love
    ALL of them!!

    England, you can keep him(them) if you like…….we sure don’t want him!!

  13. The whole point in insulting someone in Britain is that ‘they’ don’t realise it until the next night, lying in bed relaxing.

  14. OMG mm2k, “Queen Victoria” is part of the joke. Also, daleks and wizards… not real.

  15. Enjoyed the humor! Have to post these to some Trump fans here in the U.S. Enjoy the photo of the police escorting Trump.

  16. Ripping on Trump is noticeably without specific reasons being given.it’s bullying to show how cool the posers are,You authenticate yourself as being cool and hip by badmouthing Trump.Rare to see anyone back up what they say with facts.”Everyone just knows” BS.

  17. Ok Anonymous, here are just a few facts, he forced his doctor to document his weight than the actual reading, he forcibly, by the use of kaw enforcement, confiscated all his academic records all the way back to high school so his stupidity and low IQ are not revealed. They use his name on hotels, most are not his. He is a poor businessman and many of his failed businesses are well documented including Trump Vodka, he is a tangerine turd.

  18. “Ripping on Trump is noticeably without specific reasons being given.it’s bullying to show how cool the posers are,You authenticate yourself as being cool and hip by badmouthing Trump.Rare to see anyone back up what they say with facts.”Everyone just knows” BS.”

    Here’s a bunch of facts that prove just how horrible Trump really is. Of course, being a Trump supporter, I’m sure you won’t or can’t be bothered to actually learn what a shyster he is:


  19. BFD.
    Trump is a douche but he is nothing like the usual crooked scumbag politicians.If he were he wouldnt be have business problems like he has had, would he.

  20. Interesting that Meghan was ‘on maternity leave’ and the Queen couldn’t put him up in Buckingham Palace as she ‘had the builders in’…. The Orange One had to stay at the Ambassador’s residence instead. Ha ha!

  21. Nooooooo! You do NOT want him as your leader. It is not worth it, trust me.

  22. It is better to have a leader you are laughing about, than the one you can’t.

  23. @macleod,
    IQ test results are on a number based system and they can’t come back negative, idiot


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