Couple Captures Their Baby’s Amazing First Moments

You’ve probably heard that cat owners are little weird. For example, Elizabeth Woods-Darby and her husband decided to create a newborn photoshoot. In their own words: “Today we welcomed our first baby kitten, a neutered male DLH. He is 22″ long and weighed 6 pounds 7 oz. He is already eating solid food. Name to be announced. We are so in love <3”

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

Newborn cat baby photoshoot.

17 thoughts on “Couple Captures Their Baby’s Amazing First Moments”

  1. Stupid freaks who got nothing better to do with their time. They should invest their time on diet and exercise. They both look like they can use it.

  2. Not funny. Who would even dream something like this up and then go through with it. I hope the cat shits in their slippers

  3. What’s worse: Someone who tried to make you laugh, and, hey some of us laughed, or the bizarre PETA freaks, or the ones that hated this because it involved cat butts? Oh yeah, me, for reading these comments?

  4. Well, at least no trees were harmed in the making of this completely useless and unentertaining post.

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