Cat Butt Cookie Cutter

We have previously featured cat butt coasters for your tea or coffee cup. Now you can also bake cat butt cookies to go along with your tea or coffee! Because what better way to fully embrace your crazy cat lover persona than filling your house with things that look like cat butts? You can get the cat butt cookie cutter on Etsy or Amazon.

Cat butt cookie cutter.

These cookie cutters made from biodegradable PLA plastic. PLA is a 3D printing material made from renewable resources (i. e. corn starch, tapioca roots, or sugarcane), and are generally considered food safe. That’s also why the cat butt cookie cutter is not dishwasher safe and should be hand washed only. It measures about four inches. That’s 10 cm for those who don’t live in the USA and don’t understand the freedom units of measurement.

Cat butt cookie cutter.

Cat butt cookie cutter.

Cat butt cookie cutter.

Cat butt cookie cutter.

Cat butt cookie cutter.

Ready to put a cat butt on your tongue and let it melt? That sounded wrong… Anyways, you can get the cat butt cookie cutter on Etsy or Amazon.

3 thoughts on “Cat Butt Cookie Cutter”

  1. How stupid is the world getting. Whoever thought of this has too much time on their hands.


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