You probably have a phone with the “panorama mode” feature. And if you are anything like these cat owners, you have definitely previously failed to capture the majestic image of nature’s glory you intended… We’ve already featured people in failed panorama shots and funny dog panoramic photos. Obviously, the next logical step is to take a look at cats. Because the internet is mostly about funny cat pictures anyways. Scroll down to see the best examples of cat panorama shots gone hilariously wrong!
Uh-oh Morty, looks like we accidentally Cronenberged a bunch of cats.
I was thinking Cronenberg paid a visit to some of those as well!
A lot of them look like cat-erpillars :D
Catberus is pretty cool though.
Why does one of them look like a butthole
Demogorgan cat. :)
The only way I could see the picture is by looking in my phone to find it on the right hand corner
*every* cat looks like #15 around dinner time