A quick check on any search engine will uncover a striking lack of quality cat recipes available in English. The day may come, for whatever reason – rioting, pestilence, famine, or just plain curiosity – you will need to eat a cat. Your very survival may depend on these handy recipes. You will need one large ginger cat, vegetables, spices, eggs, leafy greens, and some fruit. Scroll down to check out all seven filling and delicious homemade cat dishes that we have prepared!
Before people start raging in comments: please note that this gallery is a joke featuring a very relaxed and adorable cat. No cats were harmed in the making of this gallery and we certainly don’t encourage anyone to eat a cat ever.
I’d imagine real cat meat is probably tough and gamey. Not that I’ve eaten it. Or used it in stir-fry. Or had “cat on a stick”.
Pudge-kitty is adorable and I want him.
What are those reddish fruits he’s laying next to? It’s the 5th photo from the intro paragraph.
Tastes like gamey chicken
Reddish fruit are called chompu in Thailand i’ve never found out their English name. Very light crisp flesh.
I’d rather go veg that eat Mr Kitty
Chompu is called Malabar plum or rose apple.
also called Rose apples or love apples
Reminds me of that children’s book called My Lucky Day.
I have a ginger Tom cat almost as stupid. His name’s Mark.
I’ve had cat before, though not on purpose. It was in a Mongolian “beef” restaurant which later got busted for using cat in their food (made the headlines in my town, hence why I know what I had)
It didn’t taste like any meat I”ve had, not chicken, or cow, or goat or horse, I couldn’t put my finger on it (at the time) it was odd, but not unpleasant.
I don’t think I’d do it again though.
The taste is intriguing. It has the initial flavour of a manatee with hints of leatherback turtle and baby seal, with the meaty finish of the western lowland gorilla.
I’m glad you included the disclaimer that this is just a joke, because I was about to blast you. I love cats, but not as food. Never will, no matter how hungry I am.
That’s one cool cat!
This is weird 😸😸
I ate at a Chinese buffet close to the apartment I was living in at the time. The pork, beef and chicken all looked and tasted like duck. It slowly dawned on me as I was eating the escolar that I had not seen any skunks running around for quite a while….
My fortune cookie said, “the most important part of a conversation is that which is not said.” What I did not say to the restaurant owners: “That was a great meal! I think I’ll come back here again!”
I wanna be as high as this cat. Always.
Mr. Kitty is clearly having his Spa Day. Cucumbers to shine the fur. Rosemary to scent the glands. Fruit to enhance his gorgeous scowl and a curcubit to roll his tiny paws under after a trying nail clipping. What else are humans for but to service their four-pawed masters? Now go away. I’m resting.
I see no recipe for how to make my own cat.
I LOVE cats… on a bed of rice, with a little soy sauce. They taste just like Chicken
i was looking for real recpies for how to make cat
You can put your house cats back on the shelf. Thanks to the hard working scientists at the DNA research facility, we all can now, for a limited time only, enjoy sabre tooth tiger.
I am severely allergic to cats. I found this page while searching cat meat, because I want to know if I am also allergic to the meat.
I would rather start cannabalising my family then eat a cat!
lil kitty look high🌿😽🌿🍃lol
yum yum eat cat very good
I love your pudgy little cat, so cute
What’s his name?
Your website is helouruos this made my day. 3 <)
I found this when looking for cat treat RECIPE but I forgot to day that part.
No regrets this is adorable and I’ve always kinda wondered wat katt tastes like
Lol the cat is like so overthis in the 3rd one
I live your cat 😍
So cute cat!
Rather jump of the titanic that eat that cat
It taste sweet. Like it better then dog meat.
that cat looks so good
I would never cook a cat
So many cats and so few recipes they should have thousands of recipes for them disease carrying cats.
Y’all should go to jail. Teresa Warner Robins Ga.
Ive eaten cat once and was delicious but these recipes also look quite good.Thanks for sharing
I like cats but only the sussy cats -beluga
I used to sell food to restaurants and had many different types of accounts.
I had a handful of Chinese accounts that my competitors lacked the knowledge to sell.
One of these accounts comes to mind.
I won’t tell you the account name only the owner first name was Frankie (American name).
I would eat lunch at his restaurant a couple times a month. We became friends.
A few years into my selling him I noticed a blurb in the newspaper? (Account name)
Shut down for having mystery animal carcass’ in walk in cooler?? Told me later they were (cats) not to sell, they were for he and his family to eat??? Quite a delicacy 😜. Absolutely the Truth
cats are so yum yum! -math creature
Yummy 🤤
I’d eat any meat. There is no reason why you can eat a cow or a pig but not a cat or a dog. I just wouldn’t eat my own pet dog or cat.
Looked this up bc my cats so cute I wanna eat her
A few new recipe ideas to add to my collection. I am getting tired of having Cat-suey, Meow-mein, or Catatouille all the time.
P.S. I’m joking!
Yay some recipes made with cats! I have got 7 annoying kittens because my 9 year old cat had kittens.
P.S. If you didnt think it was a name it is. Richi Sunak told me last month.
Ahhhhhhhh my least favorite animal time to eat
Don’t overcook your cat.Keep it “raaaaaaaaaare!!”
Probably the cat recipes taste better with ginger kitties lol… adorable pictures!!
that would be as they say, quite a meowthful