Owner Uses Her Cat’s Leftover Fur To Make Adorable Tiny Slippers

If you have a cat, you know that no matter how much you sweep or vacuum, it seems that cat hair never truly goes away no matter how hard you try to get rid of it. As much as it seems impossible to deal with, some cat owners just choose to embrace the shedding as it is and instead put the fallen fur to good use. For example, using it as a material for making tiny adorable cat slippers! That’s exactly what Twitter user @MiniraDiary did.

Cat slippers.

Cat slippers.

How are cat fur slippers made? The needle felting technique is what you should look into. It involves repeatedly poking a special felting needle into a rolled-up wad of fur that’s laid out on a cushion or pad. The barbs on the end of the needle help lock the fur fibers together to create one bigger body. Both dog and cat hair can be felted due to the presence of scales on the hair shafts as the same felting method can be applied to their fur as well, however, it takes a bit of practice and maybe some more time since the result might not be as smooth as when using wool or another type of hair.

Cat slippers.

Cat slippers.

In as owner told us, cat was quite confused by the received gift. “I made some cat-sized slippers using fur I brushed off of my cat and they’re too cute lol. The sense of size… the feet are sticking out… I can’t take this… lol!” @MiniraDiary wrote on Twitter.

Cat slippers.

If you like this idea, also check out cat fur hats gallery we have previously published on this useful site.

8 thoughts on “Owner Uses Her Cat’s Leftover Fur To Make Adorable Tiny Slippers”

  1. I had a cat who hated having cold feet. I used to warm her feet in my hands. She might have liked these.

  2. I am sure there is a simple way to do this that all you crafters know, but I am really curious how they made these

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