The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Dieter Bevers

Let us introduce you the funny single-panel comics of a Belgian freelance cartoonist named Dieter Bevers who is also known as Quatsch. He has won a lot of cartoon awards all around the world with his simple yet powerful comics that might make you squeeze a smile out. Dieter finds most of his inspiration for cartoons in real life, though in his human behavior is mixed with animal behavior and some real-life facts are turned into something funny and absurd or some things are taken too literally, which creates a comedic effect. Scroll down to check out our favorites!

Cartoon by Dieter Bevers.

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Boy Math Examples That Make Total Sense To Men

What’s boy math? It’s something that only makes sense if you’re a man. For example: “being afraid of gold diggers when you only have 3 pairs of socks to your name”, or “only replying to 2/5 messages you sent them“, or “wanting a traditional woman who pays bills”. If you’re a woman, it’s important to understand boy math so you can understand men a little better. If you’re a man, this post will be very relatable. Scroll down to see the funniest examples!

boy math is saying women are too emotional for positions of power and then punching holes in walls when ur mad

Boy math is being afraid of gold diggers when you only have 3 pairs of socks to your name.

Boy math is them only replying to 2/5 messages you sent them

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Girl Math Examples That Make Total Sense To Women

What’s girl math? It’s something that only makes sense if you’re a woman. For example: “calories don’t count when you’re on your period”, or “not paying the $15 for shipping instead spending another $30 to get the free shipping“, or “packing a minimum of 14 pairs of underwear for a 7 day trip”. If you’re a man, it’s important to understand girl math so you can understand women a little better. If you’re a woman, this post will be very relatable. Scroll down to see the funniest examples!

girl math is not paying the $15 for shipping instead spending another $30 to get the free shipping

Girl math is packing a minimum of 14 pairs of underwear for a 7 day trip.

girl math is thinking u can get ready in 10 mins

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Cat Sitting Gallery: Cats Sitting Like Tired Old Men

Some cats are graceful and majestic. Others… well… not so much. This cat sitting gallery proves that our poor furry friends sometimes have no idea how hilariously bad they look. Cats are actually sitting like humans as a way to cool themselves down. When sitting in this weird and unusual position, your cat’s stomach is facing upwards and outwards, therefore the heat can easily escape the body. However, in most other positions, their belly will either be pressed against the floor or tucked behind their legs – that way they just keep getting hotter. Now that you know this info, please scroll down and have a laugh.

Cat sitting like a tired old man.

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The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Futurism

We lied in the title. These cartoons are actually not funny, they’re terrifying. There are three people working on the series. Luke Kingma (concept, copy, art direction), Lou Patrick Mackay (illustration), and Jacob Banas (social media). The result of their team effort can be seen on the Instagram account @FuturismCartoons where you can check out their vision of the everyday life of tomorrow. You can also get a printed book on Amazon which is kinda ironic because they’re making fun of Amazon and Jeff Bezos in their cartoons. Anyways… please scroll down to check out our favorites!

Futuristic cartoon that's both funny and sad.

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Funny Overheard Conversations People Couldn’t Help But Share

Although people say that listening to other private conversations is impolite, there’s so much small talk happening in public that sometimes they just can’t help it. Scroll down to see the funniest examples of people who shared overheard conversations they heard with no context whatsoever! Whether someone’s at the grocery store, playground, or museum, these interactions are equal parts weird and hilarious.

I just overheard my 5 year old daughter playing house with her friend and she said, "I'm not going to change my life for you, Jameson."

Overheard on the metro north: “I’m a teenage girl, I need to make stupid decisions.” I, a 32 year old teenager, strongly agree

Overheard 15 yr old niece fighting with her friend : You think I can't live without you ? Who do you think you are? My phone charger ?

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The Funniest Animal Halloween Comics by Liz Climo

Liz Climo is an American cartoonist, animator and children’s book author. She is best known for her web comics, which she posts regularly to her site. Liz Climo’s lighthearted comedy style and minimalistic comics capture the funny and cute moments we all imagine various animals have together when humans are not looking. In this gallery we have compiled her best Halloween comics.

Animal Halloween comic by Liz Climo.

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Low Resolution Cats Behind Pixelated Glass Doors

Watching a cat through a pixelated glass door shouldn’t be funny, but for some reason, these photos are hilarious. Some of you probably remember the old days of gaming when 8-bit graphics were all the rage. These cats look like they just stepped out of an old video game. What better way to immerse yourself into retro gaming nostalgia than looking at pixelated cats?

Pixelated cat looking through the glass door.

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Auto Mechanics Recreate Renaissance Paintings

Photographer Freddy Fabris had always wanted to pay homage to the Renaissance masters with his photos in some way, but he wasn’t sure how until he stumbled upon an auto-mechanic shop in the Midwest. In his own words: “Translating painting into portrait photography was a challenge I looked forward to. I wanted to respect the look and feel of the original oil paintings, but needed to come up with a conceptual photo idea that would create a new layer to the original”. This led to a brilliant series of funny portraits with auto mechanics that you can see here.

Renaissance auto mechanics by Freddy Fabris.

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