People Are Now Making Clothes Out of IKEA Blue Bags

The whole population of the internet seems to be jumping on the idea of turning the furniture giant’s famous blue bag into must-have fashion accessories and unique clothing. From face masks and dresses to shoes and thongs (no, really), there seems to be no limit to what DIY projects people can make with IKEA’s frakta bag.

IKEA blue bag fashion.

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Funny Christmas Design Fails

Many companies see Christmas as a golden opportunity to push out a bit of extra crap that we might be tempted into buying. The rush to get them into the shops means that corners are sometimes cut. That’s when these hilarious mistakes are made…

Christmas design fail.

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Meet Matthew: He Loves To Photoshop Himself Into Stock Photos

For years as an art director in advertising, Matthew shifted through hundreds of stock photos and always felt like there was something off about them. Real people were doing real things we all do, but in the end it didn’t feel real. So in an attempt to inject some reality into these photos, he did the only thing he could think of, Matthew injected himself into stock photos by photobombing the crap out of them.

Photobombing a stock photo.

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