Here’s a little known fact about salad: any salad can be a caesar salad if you stab it enough. But the original caesar salad was made exactly as shown in this meme.
Here’s a little known fact about salad: any salad can be a caesar salad if you stab it enough. But the original caesar salad was made exactly as shown in this meme.
This is a great untapped market: stuff that looks amazing, doesn’t expire for a long time, but is actually total garbage. You’re welcome to use this business idea.
That’s right, sarcasm is an incredibly useful tool. Who needs genuine communication and healthy relationships when you can just use biting remarks and mean comments to make yourself feel superior? Highly recommended!
If you are looking for an advice how to ace your next job interview – try this. Falling in love is a beautiful thing. Nothing is impossible when you are in love!
Cultural appropriation is never okay because it takes elements of a marginalized culture: in this case – zebras – without understanding, respecting, or acknowledging their significance. Linda may look innocent, but she is one mean woman.
Many men have asked this question over centuries, but the answer is actually quite straightforward and well regulated in most major cities. Hopefully this meme will help you.
Ah, the infamous Crocs holes – life’s way of reminding you that comfort comes at a cost: your dignity. Those mysterious perforations aren’t just for ventilation or draining out pool water; they’re escape routes for your self-respect… if you have any in the first place.
Greg and Steve here pretty much nailed the human condition. All you have to look forward in your life is driving to work just to afford gas for driving to work the next day. And some depressions also. Keep following our page for more uplifting stuff!
Why do employees think that we seek out jobs? Because we have an unrelenting passion to create Powerpoint presentations and a burning passion to rise shareholder value?
Sure, nobody forces you to watch those real estate shows, but doesn’t it sometimes piss you off how unrealistic they are. We are not dumb, you know.
You might be wondering what is the best way to promote mental health at workplace. You might think that getting less workload or more money would help, but you’d be wrong. The right answer actually is ping pong table! The more you know…