With their distinctive holes and awkward form, Croc shoes are a fashion disaster; they appear to have been made from scraps of shower mats. One can only wonder why these are so popular; it seems as though people have lost their minds and the sense of fashion. Unfortunately, Crocs are selling like hotcakes, which makes us wonder what’s going on in the world. Are they really that comfortable? Or do they possess a covert cult-like following? Who knows, but all we can say is that Crocs are a testament that the world is a strange place. Scroll down to see our top 10 choices for Croc accessories that you can plug in those holes so your dignity doesn’t leak out!

Wearing Crocs already makes you a style king or high fashion queen, however what if there was a way to make them just a little spicier? This design allows the rear spoiler to clip into the heel strap and you’ll be flying past your friends with such aerodynamics that you’ll be a speed demon. The rumor has it that a rear spoiler adds extra 50 mph to your walking speed.
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