20 thoughts on “Latest Dumb Viral Trend: Throwing Cheese On Pets”

  1. Ehhh… some of these are cut off much to quickly to see the epic animal reaction in full.

  2. whoever thinks this is funny should be stuffed with cheese to suffocation, #petsarenotoysuidiot

  3. This is animal abuse. People don’t know but cheese actually burns the pets from inside out.

  4. “Morally superior January 20, 2020
    This is animal abuse. People don’t know but cheese actually burns the pets from inside out.“

    No it doesn’t, please stop spreading nonsensical rubbish around. You are just as bad as the people whom say pets are saying they love you when they sneeze on reddit. A slice of cheese although not the most nutritious food source for cats and dogs will do them no ill will. Most you might get is extra flatulence the same as humans.

    The trend is stupid but by no means animal abuse, I see animal abuse on a regular basis trust me throwing them a cheese slice is nothing.

    Also if your dog or cat is continually sneezing please take it to your veterinarian as it can be a number of thing such as Allergies, mites living in the nostrils or at the extreme cancer.

    From a Veterinarian For 22 years.

  5. This is cute though, i found myself back here agin in 2022. Probably the only viral challenges i condone doing..

    Well, along with other challenges that kills single digit IQ people.

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