15 thoughts on “Get A Cat They Said, It Will Be Fun They Said…”

  1. Regardless of what anyone says, cats are trainable. I trained my to not be destructive, to stay in the yard, to (mostly) stay off counters, and not to destroy the furniture. If one studies how feline psychology operates, it is not a hard process to train a cat. As with dogs, it requires consistency and patience. I blame the above pictures on the owners lack of proper training.

  2. I agree with Lurking Coward – cats are trainable. I’ve had cats the last 30+ years and never had these issues, except ONE cat that just didn’t get along with the other(s) – needed a home of her own, so she was adopted out. Scratching posts are a MUST.

  3. Love our furry friend to bits. She nags me constantly and is the messiest eater I have ever seen nut she doesn’t wreck the house.

  4. I can put up with all of these. But the poop is a serious business. If the cat poops in your rice pot, it’s not funny, it’s sad. A proper, well-kept litter box is mandatory. Not just for the owner’s sake, for the cat. For their health and dignity.

  5. I have the sweetest boy kitty ever. Well, he’s neutered, but I think he knew no before he knew his name. He’s in door outdoor and I’ve had him since he was born. When he was 4mths old we moved into a new house with new leather furniture, etc… I keep a litter box in the house in case he gets in a bind while I’m gone. He’s Never had an accident in the house. He’s Never scratched on my leather furniture. He rarely uses the litter box cuz he goes outside. He will even wake me up from a sound sleep night or day and let me know he wants to go out. He just turned 12 yrs old and he’s a medium hair brown Tabby and by far the best kitty cat I’ve ever owned and I’ve had them all my life and I’m 62.

  6. It is up to the owner to teach cats like kids what is not acceptable. Our cats don’t do things like that and have never done anything close to any of those things. They know there name and when I talk they listen to me. I have people offering to take them home all the time. Only when I die will that happen. We have two wonderfully rescued from bad stimulations. Happy cat owners.

  7. The fact that someone saw their cat posing inside the rice cooker for a poop, and instead of stopping their pet, the owner whipped out their phone and proceeded to take a before-after pic to post in on the internet for likes and laughs.. that tells a lot about the person. Shame. It’s not hard to properly maintain a litter box, if the cat is not allowed to go outdoors.

  8. I’ve had different breed’s of cat’s all my life and even fostered some pregnant females and I’ve never in my life seen destruction like I did I’m those pictures maybe if they gave them some much needed attention they wouldn’t of destroyed ur house’s

  9. Sorry.. but the cat pooping in the rice cooker was fantastic, best laugh ever! They are not humans FGS.. just wonderful cats..


  11. i had a tray of brocolli seedlings once. yup, you guessed it, the cat found it and decided it was a great place to nap.

    i had a wall clock with exposed hands, including the second hand. came home to discover it twitching pitifully after the cat bent all of them out.

    jigsaw puzzle? nope.

    nick-nacks? nuh-uh.

    STILL better than dogs :)

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