22 thoughts on “Drawings of Celebrities Slapping Trump”

  1. Those cartoons do not reflect the actual appearance of those celebrities, most of whom are visual trainwrecks. Rob Reiner hasn’t had a waistline like that since third grade.

  2. The good thing is that if anyone tried to slap the President, they’d get shot twice in the chest, once in the head. Those celebs need that done anyway. In fact, all the leftists need that done.

  3. Dems have sought to impeach each Prez since Eisenhower – like 10+ years before JFK be-bopped Hillary and Pelosi.

  4. I bet with his poor little snowflake ego he’d cry in a corner and spam Twitter for two months. Pathetic wimp he is.

  5. “Hey, Anonymous leftist-hater? Don’t tell me you’re planning something?” No, you lefttard, the Secret Service would do it.

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