112 thoughts on “Meanwhile In Chernobyl: Instagram Influencers Flocking To The Site of The Disaster”

  1. I just can’t even on this one…. You can’t just walk into Pripyat or the plant, you have to go through check points and generally have a guide (which you can hire). And the radiation in the areas they are at are relatively “safe” levels for short exposures (thanks to all the people who died to make that happen). So unless they stay there for an extended period of time, they probably won’t suffer permanent damage (other than the brain damage they already have for taking these kinds of disrespectful and distasteful pictures….).

  2. DISGUSTING…… Pretentious, disrespectful and idiotic people after a “like” …. what has this world become ??

  3. “Who’s the more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him?”
    –Alec Guiness (as Obi Wan Kenobi)

  4. Someone please expose those naked and specially dressed up for the occassion to 10Sv/h why do they waste oxygen on this planet…

  5. You know it’s perfectly safe right? People have been going there for ages. The contamination was never that big. And there is nothing disrespectful about those pictures. It’s not a mass casualty memorial. Nothing special. Contain your emotions.

  6. it’s still bad Anonymous.. but short term exposure is probably ok… but these people are still kinda sad…

  7. I hate when people are calling anyone on Instagram who they don’t agree with “an influencer”. An influencer is someone who is working closely with brands and offering sponsored content on their channel. Not every annoying bimbo is an influencer.
    either than that, if you go to the locations on Instagram, you would see it’s actually full of photos like this even from way before the series was launched.
    Even so, some of the poses are disrespectful but you will find such poses for absolutely every disaster location on this Earth. Auschwitz? Holocaust museum? Hiroshima monument? You name it, you got it!

  8. There is no safe level of radiation. Every x-ray, any time exposed to radiation, stay’s inside your body. Radiation NEVER leaves your body, you only become more and more contaminated. Understand.

  9. The issue isn’t whether radiation “never leaves your body”… the issue is whether exposure that leads to cancer, etc. is cumulative or not (i.e. a linear safety threshold).

    Right-winger pro-capitalism types want to tell you that the lifetime of radiation doses you get are not cumulative (risk-wise) and there is no limit to how much you can be exposed to so long as it’s always low since you’re already exposed to low amounts naturally. They will insist they are the scientific ones while everyone else is “emotional” and unscientific. However, we know that such people have a ideological profit motive to lie to us, just as the cigarette industry has lied to us about cigarette safety.

    We should have a nuclear power program but it should not be run by these right wing people, whether they call themselves “libertarians” or “classical liberals” or “republicans” or “nationalists” or anything else. We have to remember that our personal needs and safety desires are not the same as people seeking profits. The people who should run the nuclear industry should be people we can trust, and not people who will lie to us for ideological and profit reasons.

  10. Excuse me, but if you think that left wing people should run nuclear plants, you should read some history. Chernobyl happened because of leftist ideology. Wake up.

  11. Saying wake up at the end of a statement is the most tired thing on the internet. Even more so than snowflake or Fortnite references.

  12. The idea of the “influencer” to me is a load of disgusting rubbish.
    For Influencer, see SHEEP

  13. Anonymous wrote: “Every x-ray … stay’s inside your body”. No, it doesn’t. Think of a medical x-ray, and how a film gets exposed to make an image of your insides. The x-rays that expose the film have passed right through you. X-rays can damage your DNA, though, which can be dangerous, and the damage can be cumulative.


  15. Haha, soak in all the radiation you can please, thanks…we’re over populated as it-is.

  16. That moment when these plastic figures realized Chernobyl isn’t a fictional story but a real place. :O :O :O

  17. Yea its so great to use a place doomed by a event to whitch people lost their family, their own life and their home for likes and followers :)

  18. My “favourite” one is the half naked girl and the one that is standing on the rooftop breathing it all in with a smile on her face. Because why not to make an even bigger idiot out of yourself?

  19. Who hasn’t done stupid shit when they were young? That said at least many of us survived being young and dumb. When cancer eats their bodies years from now at least they have cools pics to remember them by.

  20. Is not as bad as it used to be. The most risky picture is that girl sitting on a swing, as she is touching it without any protection, but it depends how radioactive it is. Air isn’t radioactive, it used to be during the explosion, the fire and probably a few months later. A trip to Chernobyl is a legal thing, you doing it with a quide but you not allowed in some places which are risk to your health. Do your homework before you write a stupid comment like them above. Its just a click bite, these people are fine.

  21. The problem is we actually assist to a win-win situation for both the author of the article as for the Insta dudes.. We click the article – great traffic for the author – then we click the Insta accounts and eventually follow, like, comment. All point to them.

  22. Just shows how shallow and soulless these “people” really are.

    Profit off the misery of others for the sake of popularity.

  23. Would you go to a war zone or a town after a wildfire and post pictures with the burned out buildings like these? No, because it is extremely disrespectful towards the people who have died and suffered there, and lost their homes and left their memories there. These instagrammers are shallow and rude.

  24. Actually these people are not “fine”, the contamination there may not be “as bad as it used to be” but it is still quite toxic to be in that area without protective gear, the radiation will be around in that area long after everyone in this comment section is dead from other causes.
    I’d like to see pictures of these influencers in 5-10, they are likely going to start feeling the effects of the radiation poisoning by then.
    And then to add to the complete disregard for ones own health and future… this is extremely disrespectful to those who perished as a result of this tragedy.

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