Hairy Chest Swimsuit Is Here For The Summer!

This one piece swimsuit that you can get on Amazon features the portly chest of a hairy man covering the entire front of the suit, and a hairy back on the back of it. As you can see from the pictures below, people are actually buying this atrocity and showing off on Instagram. Would you wear it in public (and pay for the privilege)? Let us know in the comments!

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuits.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

Hairy chest swimsuit.

If you wish to join these fashion criminals and wear a hairy swimsuit in public, head over to Amazon and get yourself one… but we strongly suggest that you don’t.

4 thoughts on “Hairy Chest Swimsuit Is Here For The Summer!”

  1. these poor women … whhy
    bathing suit shopping is already stressful and brain searing why buy something that makes you look like a dad
    (no offense to those awesome dads out there)

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