The Funniest Protest Signs Against Climate Change

From time to time protests against climate change are happening around the world urging lawmakers and corporations to take action to help stop climate change. Some activists got their messages across with brilliantly funny, angry and wittily worded signs. Scroll down to see the best examples!

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

Protest sign against climate change.

12 thoughts on “The Funniest Protest Signs Against Climate Change”

  1. What does that “I would’ve stayed in the Old Testament.” mean? Even climate change protests have their share of anti-Semitism. But why are you giving it additional life?

  2. Zev: I am not sure how many books contain famine, disease, and floods. But certainly the Old Testament was one of the first. As in: a long-ass time ago. Let’s not go back there.

  3. People who know nothing about science but want their 3rd grade level of understanding enacted into law.

  4. Who is the enemy (why climate change is happening) all the protesters want to fight? Money. Get rid of money? You can’t.


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