Bee Stings: The Natural Alternative To Collagen Lip Filler

Want to make your lips bigger to succeed as an Instagram influencer, but don’t want spend hundreds of dollars? You can actually achieve the same result for free! Use bees! Like these clever people featured below.

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Why bee stings well up? Bee sting venom contains proteins that affect skin cells and the immune system, causing pain and swelling around the sting area. In people with a bee sting allergy, bee venom can trigger a more-serious immune system reaction. But don’t worry, all people featured in this gallery survived their encounter with a bee without serious consequences.

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

What to do after getting stung by a bee to not end up in this gallery? Here are the most important first steps: remove the stinger quickly, wash the area with soap and water, avoid scratching, as this can lead to infection. After that you can apply cold compresses to reduce pain and swelling, and also consider using anti-inflammatories or antihistimines. But consult your doctor first! After all this site should not be used for medical advice, we are just some guys who like to put funny pictures online.

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

Bee sting is a great free lip filler!

10 thoughts on “Bee Stings: The Natural Alternative To Collagen Lip Filler”

  1. This is why at a picnic I always look inside my soda can before I take a sip. Yellow jackets are jerks.

  2. They didn’t get stung in the mouth you big dummies, they are allergic to Bee’s and can die from it.

  3. I can’t help but to laugh, I was stung in the roof of the mouth while cheering in school. Then another time I was stung from a bee in the lower lip and I looked like these ppl. I can’t help but laugh but it isn’t funny at all.

  4. They have a sense of humour! I’ve been stung in the face and 40 years after I still find it hard to laugh about it. They are better people than I am.

  5. Just became one of them. A bee went side my soda can at the playground. Took a sip, felt the sting spit it out. Took a picture of that jerk. Now I look like one of them!

  6. You can tell who are the unnuanced children in these comments.
    “Just keep bees away from your mouth”. Really? You think all these people did that on purpose? I hope next time you fall and break a bone the doc tells you just to stop falling and sends you on your way.

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