Dyed Armpit Hair Beauty Trend: Beautiful Or Not?

Instagram is full of unusual and controversial trends that people do for attention. Now it’s time to take a look at colorful armpit hair that women show in exchange for Instagram likes. Feel inspired and want to participate in this trend? Head over to Instagram and post your very own hairy armpits with a #DyedArmpits tag.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

Dyed armpits.

35 thoughts on “Dyed Armpit Hair Beauty Trend: Beautiful Or Not?”

  1. liberal arts degree + toxic feminism + vegan + 0 self esteem = this crap

  2. I cannot look at any of these people and think anything other than “Excels at incredibly bad life choices”.

  3. It’s not totally their fault – bad parenting …. Or no parenting is the main culprit. Take away womens right to vote to start which has really messed them up – what you’re seeing is depression, hopelessness from being lonely, fat, independent and being emotional creatures: they become crazy. Women don’t really want these things like equality, laborious hard work, joining the military, leadership roles… etc. and this societal experiment has not worked. Real women want to be beautiful, adored, pampered, desire sexual appeal to attract a man and have children and that’s the only work they really want and for their man to take care of everything else… And us men want to do that

  4. awwww the poor little men here getting frightend by a girl doing something silly with her armpit hair. ridiculous.

  5. wow hey guess what: I’m a heterosexual woman. I shave my armpits. And I want it f******ing all: The equal pay, the right to vote, the career AND the family, the not getting raped, the hot sex, and the partner who does the dishes without me telling him to do so. And I know very well I am not alone. Boo!
    Deal with it you wimps!

  6. My previous comment wasn’t posted because I used a naughty word. To rephrase, Why do you care what they do with their armpits? What’s it to you? Are you forced to look at them?

  7. I heard that the next fashion, for summer 2025, is to shave every hair on the body and wear a fake fluo moustache. Can’t wait for that!

  8. I am sure all of them are virgins and (probably) vegans. I cannot imagine a scenario when someone (in their right mind) would want to have sex with any of them. This is an erection killer. Just my opinion.

  9. Women can do whatever the hell they want.
    But frankly these just look like they forgot to wash and now there is something growing under their arms.

  10. So many pathetic, cowardly and self-centered comments.

    Might not be beautiful to everyone, but these women are expressing themselves in completely harmless ways. No one was harmed … Except your fragile ego.

    From the comments, you would think that these women are about to take an AR15s into a school and start shooting. Oh, wait, guns are actually OK, even though they deliver horrific destruction. But, these women and their expressions are not OK. What a great country.

  11. We’re expressing ourselves too. No ego involved. Don’t be so presumptuous. Again, they reek of BO, clove cigarettes and frustration.

  12. I’m all for some natural hair on a woman… this ain’t it. Some of the colors are reminiscent of mold…


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