Crap Bird Photography: Hilariously Bad Photos of Birds

Birds are such majestic creatures! We love to hear them chirp from the treetops and watch them soar through the sky. They are practically begging to be included in a majestic photoshoot, but the pictures turn out hilariously bad if the human behind the camera is lacking skill. We’ve compiled a gallery of the funniest photos from the Crap Bird Photography Facebook group, so scroll down and enjoy!

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

Crap bird photography.

18 thoughts on “Crap Bird Photography: Hilariously Bad Photos of Birds”

  1. When I saw the one with the duck almost sideways on the water, the first thought in my head was this:
    Deja vu!

  2. I love these photos!!! Awkward bird moments are ALWAYS funny! That poor little bird sitting on the sidewalk is soooo p*ssed! And the duck coming in sideways, good laugh! Nothing bad about these!

  3. Why do juvenile robins look like Bernie Sanders? “Hey,” they would say if they could talk,” I’ve got a small favor to ask you. Donate some woyms to my food fund.”

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