This Facebook Group Is Dedicated To Crappy Wildlife Photos That Are So Bad They’re Good

How many times have you scrolled through breathtaking pictures of wildlife and told yourself “I bet I could do that”? Well, it turns out it’s not so easy to take that pitch-perfect shot. That’s why Facebook group Crap Wildlife Photography was created: to enjoy brilliantly failed photos by people who decided they can be wildlife photographers and failed miserably.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Bad wildlife photo.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Crappy wildlife photo.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

Wildlife photo fail.

16 thoughts on “This Facebook Group Is Dedicated To Crappy Wildlife Photos That Are So Bad They’re Good”

  1. Most of these photos above aren’t crap – maybe a couple of the out of focus ones. The rest are amusing!

  2. The ducks are part of a cult known as the brothers of quak. This is simply an initiation ceremony.

  3. Where did the fox with its head in the snow come from? There are no tracks in the snow. He looks planted.

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