Why Women Live Longer Than Men

For the most part, women tend to have a longer average life expectancy than men. While scientists have some theories on the issue, we think that these funny pictures perfectly explain the disparity.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

On a more serious note, one reason scientists offer is that common heart diseases begin earlier in men as opposed to women. The varying degrees of iron deficiency that menstruation can cause in women also changes the way their cardiovascular cells react to heart disease. Another theory is that women’s double X chromosomes might also confer certain advantages. But our favorite explanation is that there’s the so-called “testosterone storm” that affect men in their 20s, during which they tend to engage in dangerous or self-destructive behaviors. It turns out that the the things you see in this gallery men isn’t because men are slightly stupid – it’s nature. They can’t help it.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

Why women live longer than men.

18 thoughts on “Why Women Live Longer Than Men”

  1. That one with the Husqvarna riding mower suspended by the crane is ridiculous. A John Deere would’ve given a much cleaner cut.

  2. “…how many men do women really need?”
    Ask that next time there’s a spider in the bathroom.

  3. since the first hunting party comprised of all men went out to take down a dangerous animal men have been willing to rick life and limb for the good of the tribe, it’s in our DNA and no matter how much women want to change that it will not happen over night. men are just as cautious if more more so then women are, they have to be, men are more focused than the predators they hunt or protect the tribe from and have always had to act on an instant notice, and look at any problem like (how can i get this done?) for instance, the ladder spanning the railing and the wall, i see no problem with this because it’s a matter of finding a solution to a problem given what available and what can be done, id the span small enough to use the step ladder? yes, will the ladder take my weight? yes, is the banister strong enough to hold the ladder in place while i’m on it? yes, again, men look at the problem and come up with a solution.

    men give each other shit for doing what on the outside looks stupid, but men will watch out for each other when doing dangerous things, the shit talking is instilling confidence while at the same time saying “try it, i got your back”

    women can not and never will not understand this and look at men as being foolish or stupid and will never acknowledge the fact that men taking risks have improved women’s live immensely from the first men who ventured out onto the ocean to fish or to explore to test pilot’s who risked their lives so women could jet off to that tropical beach they love going to.

    women want to be the CEO’s of companies “MEN” started just because they’re women and think like is unfair to them because they live in a “man’s” world

    i don’t see many women lining up to be miners which has to be one of the most dangerous jobs out there, digging into and gong down into the bowels of he earth where your chance of dying is multiplied by X over any regular job is always present for a miner, just so you women can watch “The View” on TV (another invention of men) by providing electricity (invented by men) to the house (men built) so they can listen to a bunch of hags complain about men.

    we often her about “bombing someone back to the stone age” well how long would it take women to keep the lights on if ever man in the world dissapeard tomorrow?

    are their women out there who could figure it out? absolutely, are they out there in the numbers required to get the world going again? nope, those jobs are boring, they want to run the electric companies, not do the actual work.

    ever see how they repair a grid line? a helicopter (invented by a man) hovers over the line which is 60+ feet in the air and another man hangs out of the side and grounds himself to a live wire caring thousands of volt of electricity to fix it.

    another job women aren’t lining up for

    next time you see a man doing (in your mind) something stupid, take into account he has the confidence to do it and is well aware of the risks

  4. before anyone comments about all the mistakes i made in spelling, it’s 3 am here and i don’t feel like doing a spell check so any post pointing this out is moot

  5. You don’t have to be male to be stupid but I don’t see any women doing any of this dumbass stuff, ever..

  6. I salute the confidence of those lads in the pool balancing an extension lead on flip flops. May their lack of fear and willingness to risk all for a grilled frankfurter guide us to our glorious future!

  7. “I don’t see any women doing any of this dumbass stuff, ever.”
    Not hanging out 10th-story windows or creating dicey scaffolding or coming up with novel usages for power tools, but that’s because they’re rarely tasked with solving these kinds of problems. (They’re usually *calling* some guy to figure out how to get an a/c unit mounted for $0, or their couch lowered six floors down an outdoor staircase, or get three pallets of sod home from Home Depot on the back of their Corolla.)
    No, ladies usually resort to less risky (but no less stupid) things like burning their eyebrows off with a lighter, or damaging facial parts trying to look like a Kardashian, or cutting their bangs off the way some influencer said to, or melting their hair off with a curling iron, or getting their extension caught in a blender, or going to the ER after their girlfriend injected construction silicone in their rear-ends.
    But no scaffolding incidents.

  8. how about because men have to do all this shit? Like one woman on this planet would handle work like that. please.

  9. The reason is the one stated in the several pictures.
    There are more male births than female births. Infant mortality is in fact higher in males, but it doesn’t explain the disparity. By 25 years the male over mortality makes the male cohort smaller than the female cohort. it’s due to our innate stupidity and the fact we are bigger risk takers than women. You only have to look at youtube videos of humans doing stupid dangerous stuff to notice that males are over-represented

  10. Most pictures are of men who fix things. You’re welcome women who enjoy everything.

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