Man Slings Pizzas Into The Wild, Calls It Art. Is This Art?

Inspired by the littered streets of Los Angeles, photographer Jonpaul Douglass finds his muse in uncut pepperoni pizzas flung amongst urban and suburban landscapes. His ongoing series “Pizza In The Wild” began in 2013 when he was having too much free time and decided to create something purely for fun. We are confused, is this art or not? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

Pizza in the wild.

20 thoughts on “Man Slings Pizzas Into The Wild, Calls It Art. Is This Art?”

  1. People use to take garden gnomes on trips and take pictures of them in different places. No one asked if that was art, and it certainly didn’t qualify as such. All this guy did was replace the gnome with a pizza.

    Simply posting essentially the same thing over and over, and asking if it’s art, does not make it art. There may be some humor to it, but is it artistic? Definitely not.

  2. …corrects her spelling (I suspect the butler put “something in my tea) and adds, she’s old enough to remember when ALL grafitti was considered vandalism.

  3. “Is this art?”

    No, it’s a cry for help.

    And a waste of food.

    And Lil’ Sebastian deserves better.

  4. If I came across any of these I’d probably still consider eating them,except for the one in the puddle,sadly it’s beyond saving.

  5. Not sure which is worst, putting anchovies on pizza or putting pizza all ove the bloody place instead of eating it.

  6. I’ve often heard the definition of art as being something that creates an emotional response in a viewer. IMHO that’s a load of BS. It should be that PLUS a demonstration of skill in the medium being used.

  7. Breaking Bad beat them to it in, what, 2010? Side note- the house that served as the White residence in the show was an actual house that real people lived in, and the owners had to publicly ask BB fans to stop throwing (or trying to throw) pizzas on their roof after that episode airs.

    As for this project- I dunno, maybe just print a picture of a pizza on some cardboard and leave it around? And then eat the pizza?

  8. Breaking Bad beat them to it in, what, 2010? Side note- the house that served as the White residence in the show was an actual house that real people lived in, and the owners had to publicly ask BB fans to stop throwing (or trying to throw) pizzas on their roof after that episode airs.

    As for this project- I dunno, maybe just print a picture of a pizza on some cardboard and leave it around? And then eat the pizza?

  9. Photographs are considered art. The preparation and use of mediums in a visually interesting form is considered art. After all the NFT’s that took less than 5 minutes to produce were sold for millions of dollars, more than 90 % of new movies have no plot, and two men who could not qualify to run a local PTA have become presidents, past definitions are no longer part of our reality.

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