The Weird World of Female Bodybuilding

Some people have really weird ideas about beauty. We’ve previously featured The Weird World of Competitive Dog Grooming, but these ladies featured below have chosen to modify themselves instead of their pets. Well… to each their own. The pictures in this gallery have been taken by German photographer Martin Schoeller and full collection of portraits can be found in his book “Female Bodybuilders“.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilders.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilders.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilders.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

92 thoughts on “The Weird World of Female Bodybuilding”

  1. Dangerous to health, also they have stopped looking like a woman. Check out Figure 8 (Jaana Kunitz) now there’s some beautiful “woman” w/toned bodies & they sure look healthy to me! I’m going to buy the DVDs & try this, it makes total sense, plus research Jaana she’s a dancer who competed & won in Latin dancing, ballroom etc. Now there’s a lady who knows how to be fit & does it in a very reasonable & easy to follow method. I can’t wait to get started!

  2. Very impressive. I think it is brave and fabulous that these women take a stand in the world.

  3. Great job, you assume all women’s grand goal is to be beautiful, and that these women are doing this because they somehow have warped beauty standards? Maybe instead they’re doing this to be strong, healthy, badass, and attain their own ideals?

    Also is no different than male bodybuilders? Some of y’all in the comments would be surprised at how much research and dedication these badass people put into their physique, my brother does bodybuilding as a hobby and easily has the best diet in the entire family. These people are really on top of their nutrition game. You could argue pushing your body this way is unnatural, but Olympic athletes also push their bodies to the extreme and no one says they’re unnatural or not “feminine” or “masculine” enough.

    Anyway I’m sure many women are happy to be in bodybuilding, like that 82 year old bodybuilder grandma who beat the shit out of a burglar who broke into her house.

  4. Honestly why do some of them even have tops on😂😂 They have the same breast as a man at this point but a man can show there nipples And a women cannot ~Yes I’m a women

  5. HAHAHA if they used these women for the women on Amazon Island in Wonder Woman no one would have gone to see it except soy boys

  6. Bodybuilding is spiritual strength and beauty. It is beyond concepts of how a girl or boy should look. All that is just mainstream programing. Female bodybuilding is embracing everything a woman is capable of. That translates into symmetry and perfection yes?

  7. Any one of these girls are all extremely sexy oh that muscle definition is so stunningly beautiful.I would love to spend the rest of my life as a partner and companion to one of these goddesses. Just to be along side her in training and experiencing the awesom dedication and passion and enthusiasm she has when completing a certain set of reps and she has pushed herself to the extreme limits.That is a high that only two people that are sharing that moment can experience.I salute everyone of you in these pictures I will be alongside you in every gym and every contest you compete in.
    Special salute to Michelle Rayburn.♡

  8. I think this looks weird, but no weirder than male bodybuilders. And if this is what makes them happy, who am I to make fun of them?

  9. Do any of you idiots know where and when steroids came from ? During World war II. Adolf Hitler forced his German scientists to develop this garbage to make an invincible army to kill innocent people and take over the world. That’s a fact. When you alter God’s creation with evil steroids you are making yourself an abomination to GOD ! So, the next time you steroid induced muscular idiots find yourselves in front of a mirror admiring and self-worship yourself, don’t forget to thank your father of steroids Adolf Hitler !!! When you self-worship your steroid induced bodies, you are putting youself above GOD. The LORD saith, “Put no other god’s before ME !!! GOD is a jealous GOD, but HE is also a vengent GOD ! When you die and pass from this Earth and your steroid induced bodies are rotting in the ground and the only thing left is your Spiritual souls and you are before GOD. What will you say to Him ? I know what GOD will say to you, “DEPART FROM ME FOR I NEVER KNEW YOU” !!! Then you will understand the true meaning of HELL . GOD HELP YOU PEOPLE !!!!

  10. @John Charles Campbell,
    Obviously since Fox News is named after a wild animal that has caused lots of property damage to livestock, it is evil

  11. Did I say Hitler invented steroids? Wow, sorry. I meant he invented methamphetamine. Still evil, but now instead I condemn all meth addicts to the fiery depths of HELL!!!
    Oh wait, let’s pray for their poor souls instead. I think the bible mentioned something about how we should regard people like that.
    And while you’re at it, please pray for me. I obviously have some major issues regarding religion and self-image but deep down I’m a good person who only wants the best for everyone.

  12. Its absolutely not feminine and shows no female features. I can understand fitness to get a better figure, but to destroy all feminine trails I just dont understand that. Masculine is muscle. Feminine implies soft and curves… a big hip… Evolution programmed guys to look for these things as the soft implies kindness and that the woman would treat the children well. The big hips for birth giving.. etc. Evolution. I just dont understand why woman want to become men. i dont want to become homosexual. I like the differences, thats whats exciting. I hope that Woman by themselves become sensible again. Thats what I always admired in Woman, but nowvthey are even more worse than the guys. Sad World and useless.

  13. Further people who are probably not famuliar with the concept of steroids. The body normally has a natural limit which can not be exceeded. So so much to not cheating. No natural Woman can look like that. If one looks into natural tribes one will probably not even find a Serena Williams type. There is no professional sports in nature. So the question now is if a person mutilates himself should we encourage them to do so? Steroids are drugs and a sport with drugs is not a sport to me. Sport should be recreational to stay healthy and not become self centered and narcistic. I slowly hate professional sports as its only about money and people do strange things to get to be known. My female Idol is mother Teteresa… she was a Strong and Loving Soul… stronger than any Woman these days. That was my Grandmothers Idol. As stated I am loosing my respect for Woman these days and I am very sad what the World is turning into. I hope Woman come back to find and embrace their true strengths. Take away the steroids and see who you really are. Strength of soul is true strength.

  14. john charles campbell

    , you’re talking about steroids which are also used to treat serious illnesses or destroy cancer cells … but on the other hand you can use the internet and your pc, knowing that to extract the mineral, companies including child slaves sell weapons , maintain the war, the violence, the mafia and the terrorism, and then you speak to us about god, you kind of rebus of satan …
    they sculpt their body like someone else carves a statue, they don’t try to be more beautiful than the norm in place, because it is not the norm in place … so how can you say that they are trying to be above god, if it is against nature, to communicate by electronic voice also then.
    to speak in place of god is blasphemy, but can you?
    the nazis neither invented emphetamines nor steroids, they are scientists who study mollecules, whatever period of history, they would have invented steroids and emphetamines, the only nazi here is you , an extremist of god, is a follower of satan, and drug,boost in sport exist since antiquity with diet for best result.

  15. and you are here talking about the beauty of the soul, the beauty of the heart, but you can insult people according to their appearances, it is not a critical opinion on your part, but a personal appreciation, I who am a handicapped person maybe, you would say I’m ugly, and if there was a product that would give me back my vitality and confidence, you would say that I was asked to use them … they do what they want to do and if that makes them happy and you the other way around (for some obscure reason) then I fully support them, in reality you are the ugliest people here, you are left inside, maybe one of the women in pictures, participates in charities, maybe they gave of their time so that people feel better in their life … your speeches say a lot about your thoughts, you are what humanity does more ugly …
    building muscle, definition, presentation is artistic work, and you talk about strength, a lot of it just builds muscle not physical strength, (powerlifting, strongmen competition)
    you are left and ignorant, to choose someone’s company so I choose the girls in the picture.
    you are the breeding ground, the Daesh, the Nazis, people who lynch a woman with psychological disorders who burned a Koran or a bible, by proclaiming yourself a defender of what is right. you disgusted me and when you take the example of such mother Theresa, she turns around in her grave, disgusted to have been in your thought and cited as an example

  16. Maybe we also support poor people instead of spending money on roids and being self centered – narcistic – did you think about that ? And its M. Teresa. Im not going to be impolite. I just generally find it very sad and useless as the topic calls it. Thats my opinion and you do not need to be rude. Of course everybody can do what they want and be happy with it.

  17. They are freaky men in bikinis, Sheman, not Heman, sheman, no woman should want to be big and muscular, being in good shape is good and healthy, but these women, or shemen are in no way natural, or healthy, or good. “it is bad and a disgrace to the human race, but that’s just my opinion” said God.

  18. Some of y’all are letting the misogyny show. I can guarantee that these women do not give a single crap what you think of their looks, comparing them to a patriarchal standard of perceived “feminine beauty”. These women condition themselves to look a certain way for themselves–that’s right folks–THEMSELVES. Believe it or not, women do not exist for the sole purpose of pleasing men. So, before spouting off some bs about how these women do not look “feminine” enough for you, why don’t you just keep your damn mouth shut instead. Every single one of them could most definitely beat you to a pulp anyways <3

  19. Its pretty clear which ones abused steroids poorly and which ones didn’t. And weird enough, the women who didn’t end up looking fugly turned out to look pretty handsome, if that even makes sense. But hey, handsome women are still good looking.

  20. I think they’re All awesome and I would marry any one of them as opposed to spending my life with some house-hippo with saggy tits.

  21. I love a woman who can move the refrigerator all by herself,or throw me over her shoulder and carry me home if I’ve had too much to drink. All you haters can go suck donkey farts! 💪👍😁😜😉

  22. God loves everyone just as they are .
    Just because someone improves themselves does not give you the right to judge them! 🙈🙉🙊

  23. All the haters probably couldn’t punch there way out of a wet paper bag. 😜😉😁

  24. I have no problem with men or women bodybuilding. None at all. That being said, if they could do this with out the plethora of bodybuilding drugs, I would have done it. I walked from the NFL for this very same reason. Steroid use was legal back in the 1970s. I am now 66 years old and healthy. Many friends of mine who used physique/strength enhancing drugs are spoken of in the past tense. I don’t find the women bodybuilders unattractive. I sure didn’t get involved with any of them romantically. I didn’t want them dead at way to early of an age. Not to mention what else health wise happens along the way. Steroids do have legitimate medical use. They were never intended for athletic activity. Depending on an individual’s genetic trash bag as I call it, prolonged steroid use will kill you now, or kill you later. Short fuse time bomb, or a long fused one, sooner or later it will explode.

  25. Notice how many men are throwing temper tantrums because these women are more muscled than THEY are, saying they “are using steroids” and “aren’t real women” and even saying “They’re men that transitioned, not actual women”?

    LOL As if the idea of a female bodybuilder scares them.

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