The Weird World of Female Bodybuilding

Some people have really weird ideas about beauty. We’ve previously featured The Weird World of Competitive Dog Grooming, but these ladies featured below have chosen to modify themselves instead of their pets. Well… to each their own. The pictures in this gallery have been taken by German photographer Martin Schoeller and full collection of portraits can be found in his book “Female Bodybuilders“.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilders.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilders.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilders.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

Female bodybuilder.

92 thoughts on “The Weird World of Female Bodybuilding”

  1. My main reaction is “why is women’s body building ‘weird’ but not male body building?” I feel like we are buying into the fallacy that it’s weird if women are strong, but the same isn’t true for men? Just a thought.

  2. Body building is so weird in general with all the tanning cream and the focus on the look of muscle and not strength or resilience, etc. I don’t know why women were singled out for this post.

  3. I’m not going to judge. These ladies are fit and in shape as opposed to fat and lazy. Nothing wrong with that.

  4. not sure if troll or real sjw..
    post about men,kids,dogs doing something stupid…funny af
    But when something funny comes along where women are not praised, it must be a scheme of the devilish patriachy..
    Wouldn’t it be kind of unfair to single women out as something special-not-to-make-fun-about

  5. I don’t think this sight singles anyone out, I think it covers a wide range of “weirdness” — as defined by some. But for sure it is less common to see a muscular woman, even not to this extreme.

    And to the ones that wrote “nothing wrong with that”, I disagree: while everyone should be free to do what they want, we CAN comment on unhealthy behaviour. I bet these same people would have something to say about women who starve themselves for fashion. These female body builders (and yes, of course also their male counterparts…) do horrific things to their bodies and cause permanent damage. This level of muscle development is NOT achievable without massive hormonal injections, which affect the endocrine system, a variety of organs, the circulatory system, etc. So, not healthy at all.

    If we should discourage women to starve themselves, why not discourage this extreme unhealthy behaviour as well? And again, yes, not just in women.

  6. Do you think anybody thinks I’m a failure because I go home to Starla at night? Forget about it!

  7. I remember the movie „Skin deep“. John Ritter has a date with a Lady like those in the pictures here. She asks him how he feels – his answer: „Like Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s wife!“. But seriously: Each and every person should do whatever he or she wants – as long as no other person suffers because of that. The Ladies like to look and feel like they are, so who am i to judge?

  8. THEY LOOK LIKE MEN ! ! That’s why it’s “strange” for chrissakes !
    STEROIDS, ahem…..

  9. The weird thing here is the fact that these women didn’t care about becoming men, because of the steroids use and abuse, just to look bigger and stronger

  10. If we are happy, we are beautiful. The choice to pursue what we like (in their case, body building) is what’s important. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. End of story.

  11. Somatic narcissism. Big muscles. “Look at me!” ‘Look at me!” *sigh* They are like cats who puke on the carpet: they do it because they can; it’s disgusting sometimes; and their actions always end up demanding someone’s attention. Same thing on the opposite end of the body spectrum with anorexics / bulimics. Truly sad and useless.

  12. Maybe it’s just about body building, not about beauty. These women look amazing. Such discipline and hard work it must take to look like this.

  13. Women are always harshly judged the moment they are deemed sexually unattractive or undesirable by a majority.
    Just let them be what they want to be and be happy about it ffs. None of them wants to go to bed with you anyway.

  14. Whats with the comment section,a bunch of butthurt snow’s weird because a womans body doesn’t naturally look like this,even if they work out.these women here are a bunch of walking pharma

  15. Abusing their bodies with anabolic steroids, starvation, and endless hours of lifting heavy things. A shame because some of these women would be quite attractive if they hadn’t done that to themselves.

  16. I find bodybuilding disguisting in men as well… so not surprised women look just as weird. but to be fair: why only show their very weird looking Torsos (boobs) and not the abs and legs they worked on (well, drugged up) just as much?

  17. Aww…yeah, women don‘t look like this naturally and need to take steroids to grow these muscles…SURPRIZE: So do men! That‘s why its as weird as the male world of body building…also, they both look unattractive to me. ANOTHER SURPRIZE: There is no law that obligates one to be attractive to anyone…

  18. Yup – definitely not my cup of tea. So I don’t bodybuild. I don’t think it is attractive in males who bodybuild either. I’m entitled to my opinion, but I’m absolutely positive that my opinion does not and should matter to anyone else.
    That being said, let me elaborate just a bit on why I don’t find it attractive: no body fat! At all!

  19. I think this extreme body building is repulsive for either sex. Of course it is their choice but I can’t imagine being comfortable in an intimate setting with these people. I do think that many have psychological issues that are being sublimated by the extreme body metamorphoses.

  20. I don’t really care for the sport with either gender.
    Overly developed muscles don’t necessarily make a person more powerful. Weightlifting or even people without sculpted forms have been proven to be stronger in some cases. Oh and I noticed a couple of pictures look Photoshoped. So ya this is sad and totally useless.

  21. I think this level of body building is gross for any gender. It’s to the extreme. Nothing to the extreme is balanced. Balance is everything.

  22. Plus nobody is mentioning how the bean becomes the stringbean… Just saying…

  23. looks very unhealthy to me; the loss of fat in their faces and extreme tanning as well as the oversized muscles. People are free to do what they want but some things send a very negative message.

  24. well what a bunch of dried up looking freaks. they all look like men not females anymore wow, and one ever looks like Booker T from wrestling. They should be classified as male body builders not female. Even when men look like that they are freaks. Drugs make them that way not just working out.

  25. Female bodybuilding. As Jerry Seinfeld would say, “What’s up with that?” When females go to the extreme of putting on so much muscle and losing body fat to show off that muscle, then what do you have? Another new type of classification of the human body, mind and way of thinking that now must be accepted or be vilified by the masses. Healthy, maybe? Take into account though that females do not produce testosterone, the one hormone that is gender specific towards the male population. In order for females to gain that much muscles, they are taking steroids which add in the production of testosterone. Along with steroids and pumping iron / lifting weights and dieting, a female can and does add new muscle mass. In the process though, they lose the fat and tissue that makes their body look female. The best example are the breast. Of course breast are natures way of feeding babies, but humanity has taken breast to a level where we glorify them as objects of sexual desires and any women that does not have any form of breast is unfortunately labeled less than female. That is so wrong due to many reasons as to why a female may have non existent to small breast. In the case of female body builders, their choice to lose all body fat to show lean muscle has decreased the breast to nothing more than loose skin that must be filled with silicone or saline implants to once again show size and shape to their breast. Other examples are the enlargement of their genitalia, the facial structure as well as the deepening of their voices. They have transformed natural beauty for the sake of muscle and wanting to prove that they can do whatever a male can do. What is so beautiful about the female body builders in the pictures shown? Next to zero appeal for me as well as many others. Where is the female in the pictures that have muscles but not look like the walking dead with unnatural breast that are obviously out of proportion in size and shape. Is it really beautiful and healthy to look as they do?

  26. I don’t mind when women are fit, most are more so than myself, but what does this prove beyond, extremely muscular women are not attractive,

  27. Rachel McLish was the last of the “natural” looking female body builders. These women look like they’ve taken WAY to many steroids, giving them male features. Yuk!

  28. The fact that there are women out there that are genuinely interested in bodybuilding is cool. My only problem with it is the dodgy fake tans.


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