Talented Mom Crochets Amazing Full Body Halloween Costumes For Her Kids

Every year for Halloween, talented Ohio mom Stephanie Pokorny of Crochetverse does something special for her family. And by “something special” she means crocheting unbelievably awesome Halloween costumes that require great skill and dedication. For example this scary character from the classic science fiction film Predator for her six year old son, who had just seen the film and had become obsessed with the creature:

Crocheted Predator costume.

Crocheted Predator costume.

Or this amazing bright green Ghostbusters Slimer costume that glows in the dark for her youngest child. Stephanie crocheted this costume freehand and brushed it with luminescent paint afterwards so it actually glows in the dark:

Crocheted Slimer costume.

Crocheted Slimer costume.

Or how about this awesome Xenomorph and Skeletor costume:

Awesome crocheted costume.

Awesome crocheted costume.

Or full-body Papa Smurf costume with a cleverly designed hoodie that lets her kid to hide or reveal his face:

Crocheted Papa Smurf costume.

Stephanie recalls: “Once my son chose this Harry Potter costume, I began bringing it to life. He loved to follow along with my progress and each day he asked: Is it done yet?”

Crocheted Harry Potter costume.

“We live in a cold climate,” Stephanie explains, “so for example the warmth from the crochet of this creepy clown costume featured below is always a plus as we go Trick or Treating.”

Crocheted clown costume.

Pit Bonnie: a character from Five Nights at Freddy’s:

Pit Bonnie: a character from Five Nights at Freddy's.

Everyone’s favorite cryptid Slenderman:

Everyone's favorite cryptid: Slenderman.

Last but not least: an absolutely amazing E.T. costume for her young son Jack:

Awesome crocheted costume.

9 thoughts on “Talented Mom Crochets Amazing Full Body Halloween Costumes For Her Kids”

  1. Great work, but most of the scary costumes are from movies the kids wouldn’t be allowed to see!


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