37 thoughts on “The Real Power of Healing Crystals”

  1. Hah! And what about dream catchers too … or are they perhaps actually only tangled balls of string? My shamanic healer says “Gimme a break. This stuff pays for my Tesla”

  2. All these people talking shit are probably the same people that love to start wars over their fake god in heaven… power of faith, pretty powerful!

  3. Obsidian makes a useful blade if you are on a desert island and find some. Otherwise, yeah, it doesn’t do shit

  4. Actually….all the minerals and crystals above do one thing in common. People who collect them and people who wear them get enjoyment from them. So they “do” something. They create happiness….of course this occurs in the human brain, but it is no different than many other things we humans do simply for pleasure. If you go get an ice cream cone and thoroughly enjoy it…..same thing…..if you go to the movies and have a great time….same thing……the result of doing something or interacting with anything that boosts your mood, increases happiness and satisfaction is a positive thing……

  5. My view on all of the statements is, just how much are you willing to believe. Expecting miracles is ridiculous. Did anyone of you cleanse them properly or even bother to energize them.

  6. Actually the Flourite does do $hit. It allows Silica to be substituted out of clays or mica, and that is very good for your brain.

  7. Yet again, a typical let’s point and laugh response to anything you don’ t understand, don’t know anything about and just don’t get. How sad and pathetic of you.

  8. Actually it does do A LOT for me perhaps ur not ready for them yet. Because u have to have a connection with the crystals u must believe and try to carry them with u all the time they work for me!

  9. Ive had warm crystaĺ therapy for back injury the heat went straight to the source of pain,the relief was instant and the warming effect lasted an hour,id rather do that for pain alongside pilates and yoga,than take poisonous synthetic drugs that are pushed just for profit with no intrest for the patient. Nuff said.

  10. They all are a Billions dollar business so they Do A Lot. People wouldn’t buy them unless they needed these crystals and minerals. Sad and Useless is exactly that Sadly Useless. Very sharp Rose Quartz suppositories for the author will add a little more humor than this article has. Pearls of Wisdom from the Crystal Kingdom says get to the Tucson Gem 💎 Shows February 1

  11. It’s just unbelievable how large a percentage of the population is not only superstitious and credulous, but proudly so. Thank you, Internet, for bringing all these fools together. :(

  12. I’ve been using sodium chloride crystals my whole life and I really do feel like I couldn’t live without them.

  13. few years back, less than 24 hours after buying a little rock called moldavite, I walked into a casino and seven machines in a row paid up on the first try…all of them! for a total of a little over $1600. After that night too many things started to sync up for me to be incredulous about the situation. So I did a little research and I found that some believe it to be the crown Lucifer wore in heaven before he went darkside… I’m skeptical until I experience it, after that it’s just foolish to keep an incredulous attitude about it…so there it is…suck it bitches🖕

  14. p.s. I got the moldavite in a little shop in Norwalk Cali. called The Mind’s Eye… they even cautioned me…(I almost laughed when they did, but when I got 6 machines in a row to pay up totaling over $1600 I almost cried). If you’re ever in Norwalk California stop by The Mind’s Eye and ask for Danny… teller Mike sent you and they’ll treat you right…

  15. Crystals are the remnants of the data storage devices the Originals used on the True Earth, which our ancestors scattered on the Flat Earth after our species was abducted so that we, the Lost, would find and use to retain and reclaim our culture. Once every Lost on the disk wears a crystal, they will all activate and teleport our species back to the True Earth, where we will ascend and claim our rightful place in the universe. I know this to be true, because it feels right and the idea of it is appealing to me, and “facts” and “science” are dirty words that the elitists use to demean evolved free-thinkers like us.

  16. Show me one verified, scientific study (carried out correctly) that backs up any claim regarding “healing crystals.” There is no scientific evidence. Personal experience does count (called anecdotal evidence) because there is no way to falsify the information. The human brain is geared to find patterns, and sometimes the level of connective absurdity is impressive. The only claim in the comments comes from the person who stated the crystals got heated beforehand and helped as heat therapy. That is testable, the rest of the “just believe” claims are total crap. Show me scientific proof. Give me real evidence I can test. Then we’ll talk. And to the so-called Voice of Reason: put down the crack pipe, your brain appears to be fried.

  17. LOL, last “anonymous”… you’re rational but not too observant, if you couldn’t tell I was being sarcastic with the whole Flat Earth nonsense… for goodness sake! ;-)

  18. Well Surgeons do sometimes use Obsidian scalpels, as the blades made from them are so much sharper than steel scalpels the incisions made with them heal faster. No idea if the others have any use besides looking pretty.

  19. Amethyst, obsidian, citrine, aventurine and rose are all forms of quarts which literally resonate with electrical currents. It’s a major component in electronics, including watches; radio; and the very computer you’re using to read this.

  20. Anonymous, (5 posts up) You missed the mothership when the Heavens Gate cult “ascended”.

  21. Only lapis lazuli is useful, only in Minecraft for enchanting stuff
    And whoever said the thing about eating em, yeah, you see some shit after, like medical staff, or some LSD like shit

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