Cultural appropriation is never okay because it takes elements of a marginalized culture: in this case – zebras – without understanding, respecting, or acknowledging their significance. Linda may look innocent, but she is one mean woman.
If you wish to see more examples of awful cultural appropriation, check out these cats that clearly are doing the same thing to Japanese.
1. Why is White Chicks ok, but some random person wearing a blackface isn’t.
2. Why is me sporting an afro hairdo racist and culture appropriation, but when black women straighten their hair and die it blonde isn’t?
Disclaimer: I’m a Slavic person from Europe… clue me in! Hvala!
So… nobody?
Nobody fusses at me when I wear a track suit, so I don’t know what the issue is.
According to the Hollywood elite, cleaning my own home is cultural appropriation because I’m not Mexican.
Moving right along……
Bob doesn’t have to clean his cave. Mommy is doing it for him.
Bob’s mom color coordinates his Fruit Loops into different bowls for him.
Bob’s dad left. That leftist!
Who the f is Bob?