87 thoughts on “Did You Know That Spiders Have Adorable Tiny Paws?”

  1. Spiders are our furry little buddies and prey on bugs that would do us harm. Snakes are our friends too.

  2. When I saw the first picture, I thought you got a new pet! Those nails look a lot like a cat’s. Cute paws when the nails don’t show!

  3. Love them. My daughter has taken spiders as her photo and incubation hobby. Raises and releases from egg sacs. Studies. Pics w micro/macro lenses. I’ve learned to ❤️ Them. Have even done a needle painting of them!😂

  4. Not only that but they usually stick to skin like glue. Literally spilled superglue, same feeling.
    Especially Tarantulas amd their subgroups.
    Some even instinctively hook on too, with those tiny claws.
    Remember it’s only because they are scared and in a defensive position.

  5. They are soooo cute. It looks like they have flip flops on but you can’t see the straps ❤🕷

  6. Have always feared spiders, but I have to say, I ADORE the photos of their ‘paws’. The more I learn about spiders, the better I get with them.

  7. Whatever!!….tiny yes, adorable no!….keep all the “adorable” “furry little buddies” at your house

  8. I have always loved spiders. I remember when a boyfriend in college tried to scare me with his friend’s tarantula. They dropped him on my shoulder and waited for my screams. They were so surprised when I started cuddling and petting that beautiful critter. Not at all the reaction that they had hoped for.

  9. What a great and wonderful idea! And what gorgeous pictures!
    Offer these to a publisher, pleeeeeeeze – especially to a publisher of kid’s knowledge books.
    Seeing spiders like this could change the world!

  10. In the one picture the claw looks like it has a comb attached to it. Would make grooming easier through all that hair.
    Thank you for sharing. Hope you have a Great, Grand and Glorious Day❣️🙏🏻❣️

  11. Someone asked why they have to have the claws … it’s to help them climb trees and plants and other things in their environment. I think these photos are marvelous. It takes an incredible eye and a very steady hand to get such photos. While I appreciate their place in the world, it makes me happiest to see them on the other side of a pane of glass. Most are harmless – I just don’t want to have to figure out if the one I’m staring at in my house can send me to the ER.

  12. Sorry this still not make want to like spiders. I’m terrified of them especially big ones. They can keep out of my place

  13. Spiders are amazing, science is learning more and more about their incredible capabilities. They are very efficient at keeping bug populations in check, most species are not harmful to humans or aggressive. There are interesting videos on YouTube about spiders and their spectacular abilities that are worth watching!

  14. Regardless what it is. They have a purpose i an not religious
    I just believe the world is balanced.
    Yes I’ll kill a spider if I have.
    But if possible. I release it in the garden

  15. My man told me instead of killing the spider to take him out. We went out had a few drinks, she’s a nice gal, She’s a web designer…

  16. @Jack Rawshack, I do live in Australia, I love spiders, I just keep clear of the funnel webs. Now when it comes to cockroaches it’s another story, they are the devil’s spawn and I scream like a 6 year old at the mere sight of one 😂

  17. There is and NEVER will be ANYTHING cute about spiders!! The fact that they have claws that will rip into your skin before they plant their fangs into you is utterly terrifying! My fear of spiders has just tripled!

  18. They are called petepalps , and the hooks on some of them determines the sex . Hooks =male , no hooks = female .

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