The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Daniel Seex

Daniel Seex is a cartoonist who is currently creating a collection of cartoons with a goal to turn them into a book. If you like his work and wish to someday soon receive his book, you can support Daniel on Kickstarter. He describes his upcoming book as “120 pages of mildly amusing (and only very occasionally offensive) cartoons by me, Daniel Seex.” Scroll down to check out some of our favorites!

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

Cartoon by Daniel Seex.

53 thoughts on “The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Daniel Seex”

  1. Can’t argue with the fact they are somewhat clever but very little, if any, humor. Never even got a smile and I definitely would never waste money on a book of these.

  2. I Agree with Anonymous Aug 26th 2023,
    these were terrible, not one smile. The best
    was One Ring To Ruin Them All, but even that
    one was not funny at all… The art on these
    were also boring, too…

    … Must Do Better …

  3. As a former art critic and still sarcastic wit I loved and laughed again and again while perusing these works. If I ever get a tattoo I want to have the sphinxter! That says it all.

  4. I laughed at several of them! Especially ‘the guide to surviving in the wild’ and ‘what would Jesus say’

  5. I thought these were quite sophisticated. Loved the artwork, too. It doesn’t always have to be in your face humor, does it? 🤔

  6. Nun Chucks should be the Nun pulling up her dress to reveal a pair of Converse high tops….

  7. I read them all and kinda got hooked. The artwork is great but a bit problematic since the heads are so tiny. Yeah the Sphintrix gag would be a cool tat.

  8. If it’s not for you, just leave. You’re not being forced to read through them all.

  9. I really liked the pigeon one, it made me laugh.

    I’d bet that the people that were unnecessarily negative vote republican!

  10. Love your dry humor. Brilliant!!!!

    P.s. you should sign your individual comic panels so no one steals your ideas and you can be recognized on social media. I found one comic particularly appropriate for a tag group I’m in, but I don’t want to share it without giving you proper credit. :)

  11. As others in this comment section I didn’t laugh, but unlike them I enjoyed reading through this list. I love the art style and the jokes are clever.

  12. Interesting the big amount of “brave” people who leave an anonymous comment saying “meh” or “not even a smile”. As if they could do better, or their opinion really mattered.
    Fact is, if they could do better, they wouldn’t leave an anonymous comment. And that makes their opinion, and their persona to be like the name of this web site, plus boring and non clever. They are literally and figuratively small people.

  13. Sam Blake August 26, 2023
    What the heck? I you didn’t have to through these to just say crap, they were made by a living person who has feelings who I think has a great sense of humor

  14. Why is there always some idiot saying they didn’t even smile ? Some people are dead inside.

  15. Smirk level as best.
    Then again, except for the AI one, heard all these in one form or other from the gradeschoolers.

    The AI one is sarcasm at most considering the medium the “artist” used.

  16. I’m old, so I love the new twist! Keep it coming. My brain needs your healthy dose of humor.

  17. Humour isn’t always lol funny. Sometimes it’s in the “funny, but also true” category. Example: the dumpster fires. Spot on!!

  18., this is the seventh week in a row you’ve shown “The Funniest Single Panel Comics” in class.

  19. Epic. The Steven Wright of cartoons. Don’t have to have incredible artwork to convey an idea.
    Love it.

  20. The simple, clean, artwork is so elegant – I love it! The artist has created a unique and recognizable style, which is hard to do and for which he should be proud. That said, he should still SIGN HIS COMICS – preferably legibly, and possibly with a URL or social media handle so folks can easily find more of his work. I want to share these, but will stick to sharing the article rather than sending individual comics to the folks who’d most appreciate them because I want to make sure he gets proper credit.

    My favorites are the “why matter exists”, “AI”, and “post-modernists” comics. Brilliant.

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